Monday, December 31, 2012

31 December 2012

1.  Bobby woke up at 9pm after going to bed at 8pm.  I thought it was going to be a really long night, so I headed to bed around 10:30pm.  Well, he slept all night until 6:30am! YAY! I felt so rested, and I even got to go back to bed until 8am.
2.  Scott and I went outside during Bobby's nap today and I had fun drawing tracks with sidewalk chalk.
3.  Scott wanted to watch Arthur today. I LOVE that show. I thought it was hilarious when I watched it as a kid, so it was fun to watch it again.
4.  Matt picked up dinner for us at Wendy's. I had chili and a side salad and it was yummy.
5.  Matt took the kids after dinner and I just sat on my laptop and played games and stuff. It was so nice to have a little time to myself. Gooooooo Matt!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

30 December 2012

1.  I had a very relaxing day at home. I didn't shower till after the kids were in bed and I was in pajamas all day. Sometimes it's nice to have days like that.
2.  Scott, Matt and I played some games today. Sometimes it can get frustrating to play with Scott just because he's kind of young and easily distracted, but it was really fun with Matt there because we could laugh about it together instead of being irritated.
3.  Bobby has gotten so good about going to bed and down for naps. I ask him if it's time to lay down and he says, "Ah!" meaning yes, and then he waves, "Bah-bah" to me as I leave the room. So much nicer than him crying for several minutes before falling to sleep. I'm so glad he can enjoy sleeping more.
4.  Bobby has been really snuggly with me for the past couple of days because he's feeling crummy.  It's not a good thing that he's sick, but it is nice to feel loved and needed. He's a sweet boy and I love him.
5.  Scott is so cute with all of the things he needs at bedtime now. He has a big stuffed seal, Buzz, a monkey, his blanket, and now the boppy pillow, which is his "nest." He is so cute! I love him.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

29 December 2012

1. Bobby has been waking up at 5:30am every morning, but today I got him to go back to sleep till past 7. Yay!
2. Scott used his Christmas money to buy a big stuffed seal at Ikea and he loves it!
3. I had a lot of alone time today. I took Matt's car in to get new brakes and sat in the waiting room while they did it. I colored, listened to Pride and Prejudice, ate popcorn and drank ginger ale. It was nice to have a little break from caretaking.
4. Bobby missed me so he just hugged me from dinner till bedtime, pretty much. It's nice to feel wanted!
5. Matt and I played games and watched a movie tonight. It was fun.

28 December 2012

1. I got the trash out on time. And I got the laundry mostly done.
2. My kitchen sinks are empty! I think I've been caught up for three days in a row!
3. Scott and I played together a lot today.
4. Matt said dinner was really good. We used a seasoning on the chicken for the first time and I'm a big fan!
5. We got a recycling bin from the county a few days ago and I know it sounds geeky, but I have been having a lot of fun recycling!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

27 December 2012

1. Scotty and I sang Happy Birthday on a video for Laura. It turned out really cute. It's fun to see Scott get older and more able to follow instructions.
2. We had a quick trip to the grocery store this morning and it went really well. The boys were very well behaved and got fruit packs for a snack instead of chocolate so I was feeling like mother of the year.
3. Scott and I played CandyLand today and it was funny to see him want to win and then get disappointed if I got ahead. He is getting how the game works and needs fewer reminders now to pick a card then move his piece. It was a good afternoon activity.
4. We listened to my new Disney compilation cd in the car and it was really fun to sing along. The boys seemed to enjoy it, too. Scott even clapped after a few songs.
5. Matt and I played WoW and watched Princess Bride after the kids went to bed. It was a fun night.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

26 December 2012

1. I got to take a shower this morning before Matt left for work.
2. The boys played on their ride-ons outside on the hill for the first time this morning. It was fun to see their faces full of delight.
3. Scott played with color-changing cars a lot today, which was fun.
4. I had chocolate chip pancakes for dinner.
5. I had another ice cream cone. Yum!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

25 December 2012

1. The boys were so fun to watch as they opened presents and played with new toys. Scott kept saying, "I'm so happy."
2. Matt got me a jewelry cabinet that I really like. I was actually really needing a place to put all of the jewelry I got at my party in November. It looks nice on the dresser.
3. When Scott choked on some water, he spoke through his coughing, "It went down the wrong pipe." Matt and I laughed so hard. He's so cute.
4. We had steak for dinner. So yummy! The kids ate it really well, too.
5. It was fun to have texts and calls from family throughout the day.

Monday, December 24, 2012

24 December 2012

1. I slept in till almost 9. And Bobby only woke up once around 1 then slept till 7. Definite improvement!
2. Scott and I went to Costco to get presents for Bobby and Matt. It was pretty fun.
3. I finished folding the laundry I started on Friday! I also swept, vacuumed and did the dishes. Felt good to have a cleaner house.
4. We watched Mickey's Christmas Carol, read The Polar Express and the Christmas Story from Luke 2. It was so fun to share those Christmas traditions with the kids.
5. It's Christmas tomorrow! I'm so excited for this brand new experience of having it be just us for Christmas. I miss my parents and siblings and in-laws, but I think this will be really fun!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

23 December 2012

1. Nineteen years ago today, I was baptized as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I was also confirmed by my grandfather. It was a special night to be surrounded by my family and a lot of other wonderful people. I'm so grateful to have been given the knowledge of the Gospel and to have always had the Priesthood in my life so that I could perform those ordinances necessary for exaltation.
2. I slept in till 8:07am and we still made it to church 5 minutes early.
3. Kelley gave a great talk about Jesus as our brother and as a Son and I actually got to hear most of it. So good.
4. We had salmon, squash, rice, and green grapes for dinner. It was so yummy! While we were eating I said, "Is there any way to watch Bishop's Wife tonight?" And I found out it was on TV at 8! Amazing!
5. The whole family watched Polar Express tonight. Bobby was totally enthralled for most of it and Scott was loving everything about it, too. He loved the train and all of the crazy roller-coaster scenes. One was like a slide and I asked him if he would to go down a slide like that and he said, "Yeah...but not today."

Saturday, December 22, 2012

22 December 2012

1. We all went to Fernbank today and had a fantastic time. We rode the Santa-saurus Express, did the photo booth, played at the treehouse, got an ornament and a little present for each kid because we got 20% off in the gift shop. It was really fun!
2. I had chorizo and eggs on tortillas for lunch. So yummy. It hit the spot.
3. I took a nap. Felt so good.
4. We had lasagna for dinner and the kids ate so well! I love when they eat what's actually for dinner.
5. Matt and I wrapped all the presents tonight. It was so fun. It got me really excited for Christmas.

Friday, December 21, 2012

21 December 2012

1. Scott sang Happy Birthday to Alainna with me on a message. It was fun.
2. I made Matt's favorite Christmas cookies today. It was fun to see the surprise in his face when he saw them.
3. Matt came home early from work.
4. The boys got their hair cut today. They look so cute!
5. I had an ice cream cone tonight for the first time in 11 years. It was yummy.

20 December 2012

1. We had a really lazy day today. I spent the whole day in the house in pajamas.
2. I made a more concerted effort than usual to play with the boys so they wouldn't watch quite as much TV. We played trains and colored and had snacks.
3. The server was down for Joy Kingdom and WeTopia, so I chatted online a lot instead with Emily, Maurine, Mom, Matt, etc. It was fun.
4. The boys' ride-ons came today and they look perfect! They have sturdy wheels and I think they are going to love them! I'm getting more and more excited for Christmas.
5. Matt and I played World of Warcraft for the first time in a while and it was really fun to play again.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

19 December 2012

1. We got to the doctor EARLY for Bobby's checkup today! Amazing!
2. I chatted with Amy today on the phone and it was really fun to catch up.
3. Matt came home at 5:15 today! That's so early! What a great surprise.
4. No crying at bedtime!! Yay!
5. I had a cupcake for dessert.

18 December 2012

1. One hundred three years ago, my maternal grandfather was born. He was a good man, and I know he is doing great things for people on the other side. I hope I get a chance to know him better when I get there.
2. I had a doctor's appointment at 10:30. Before I had to leave, I got the trash out, the dishes done, I showered with both kids awake, got dressed, and got the kids dressed. I was pretty impressed with myself!
3. Jean came to watch the kids. It was nice to chat with her when I got back. She's such a great friend.
4. I bought Green Eggs and Ham and Fox in Socks today. I loved those books as a kid. I'm hoping the boys will like them too.
5. We got two ride-on toys for the boys and got free shipping. I'm excited because they look really cool (replicas of kawasaki atvs) and they are identical, so hopefully that means no fighting!

Monday, December 17, 2012

17 December 2012

1. I watched a couple of my shows today and Scott was okay with it. So nice to have a break from kid TV.
2. Bobby makes such cute faces. He's even cute when he cries. He has started throwing his hands to his face when he starts to cry. It is pitiful and adorable.
3. We had hot dogs with guacamole tonight and that got Matt talking about his mission to Chile and that was fun to hear about.
4. Scott wanted me to stay and sing to him while he fell asleep and gave me lots of hugs and kisses when it was time for me to go. He's such a sweetheart.
5. I caught up on some Ellen today and saw interviews with stars from Les Mis which is exciting.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

16 December 2012

1.  The choir sang beautifully today and now it's over!! I was the choir director just for the Christmas program and it was super nerve-racking and scary, but it went very well (thanks to a few angels, I'm sure) and now I can breathe again.  Yay! And the boys didn't cry while we performed!
2.  I received inspiration yesterday to shave my legs.  This morning I couldn't find my black opaque tights and had to wear nude nylons... so it's a good thing I had shaved!
3.  Dave texted me today to thank him for my Christmas gift--a puzzle with no notification.  He said he knew it was from me.  It was so nice to get that message.  I was hoping that would be the reaction.
4.  The kids went to bed pretty well tonight. Scott fell asleep in my arms almost. Bobby did point to his bed when he was ready to lay down, which is so much nicer than deciding myself and having him cry about it. They are both so sweet when they're sleepy.
5.  We had cupcakes tonight.  I was going to make them for the Christmas party last night but I ran out of time. More for us! I even piped on the frosting so they look cool.  The boys actually ate them this time, too. Scott had frosting AND cake! Bobby just smashed his the last time, but he ate his really well tonight.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

15 December 2012

1. Thirty years ago today my brother was born.
2. We got a new car seat for Bobby. He LOVES facing forward and it was a great deal!
3. Scott got a twin size bed today. Now we have somewhere to sit during bedtime instead of the floor. We got it from IKEA, which means I got chocolate. :)
4. The Ward Christmas party was tonight. Deviled eggs were on the menu and they were super yummy. The boys also loved the ham. I brought my lollipops from Mom as a dessert to share and it was fun to see so many kids walking around with them. It was like being at the Holly Berry Fair.
5. The kids went to bed really well. It's almost 10pm now and I'm going to bed!

14 December 2011

1. Got the trash and mail out in time and got two loads of laundry started before we went to the park.
2. Matt found his old compass and Scott thinks it's really cool, and I think he might actually know left and right (even though that shouldn't necessarily have anything to do with a compass...)!
3. I'm caught up on the dishes!
4. I got to talk with Tammi and catch up. I really hope we can be neighbors again someday.
5. Matt stayed up and watched a movie with me. It was fun.

13 December 2012

1. I downloaded a cribbage app and I've been playing all day.
2. Bobby and I went shopping today and it was fun. He likes to give me hugs from the seat in the grocery cart. It's pretty cute.
3. Scott wanted me to carry him down the stairs and said he was a monkey. Then he said, "You're my Man with the Yellow Hat!"
4. I had a fun chat with Amanda. I miss her. I feel really blessed that I know her.
5. The kids went to bed really well. I have finally figured out that if I wait till Bobby decides he is ready to lay down, it doesn't take very long and he doesn't cry!

12 December 2012

1. Matt was sent home from work for being sick so we had him home all day again!
2. The plumber came today and Bobby was fascinated by the van. He almost lost his balance looking up at the ladder on top. Hilarious!
3. We had pancakes for dinner. Yummy! The kids eat SO well when we have breakfast for dinner.
4. Matt must be working on his positivity because he was telling the bishop all about it at tithing settlement.
5. Scott sang the ABCs with me tonight.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

11 December 2012

1. I got up with Bobby this morning, but he was so enthralled with Little Einsteins that I was able to fall back to sleep.
2. Matt stayed home from work. (I know it's a negative that he is sick, but I love it when he is home because the time goes by so much quicker.)
3. Scott is so fun to watch when he is watching TV. He sings along with everything and answers questions, it's great!
4. I took the boys with me to the grocery store to give Matt a break and to buy milk. I told Scott he could get a treat. It was a fun time with my boys.
5. Bobby has been difficult at bedtime the last couple of days but we figured out that he is getting his two year molars already and is in a lot of pain so we gave him Advil today and tonight he waved to me again instead of crying when I left. Yay!

Monday, December 10, 2012

10 December 2012

1. I had one of my birthday cupcakes for breakfast.
2. The boys had a great time at the park. They are so fun to watch.
3. We can use our sink and dishwasher now. The plumber came and patched the pipe. They'll come to replace part of the pipe in a few days.
4. My birthday continued with more phone calls and mail. I heard from Brian and Nicole and I got cards from Mom and Nancy. It was fun to have my birthday last another day.
5. We made sushi for dinner and it was so yummy that I got too full to eat cake, so I know what I'm having for breakfast in the morning!

9 December 2012

1.  We got a late start this morning so we thought we were going to be late to church, but they started late so we didn't miss the sacrament! Yay!
2.  Choir practice went well.
3.  The pipe that burst was only for the kitchen so we didn't have to turn off all the water.  And, it happened when we were home so we could take care of it.
4.  Matt made cupcakes for me and decorated with peanut butter letters and candles.  It looked great and the frosting was melted and super yummy.
5.  Bobby went to bed really well and didn't cry while I sang to Scott tonight.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

8 December 2012

1. Matt got up with the kids because it's my birthday weekend, so I could sleep in till 9:15. It was so nice.
2. We all went to the "farmer's market" (which is really an international food mart), and got some fruit and veggies and the makings of sushi for tomorrow night. They also had a bunch of samples of chorizo and queso and they were scrumptious. The kids especially liked the queso dip.
3. We had Jason's Deli for lunch and that was filling and yummy and required very little effort or clean-up. My kind of meal!
4. Matt and I went to the Cirque du Soleil show today and it was awesome. The stuff these people are capable of is truly unbelievable. It was fun to be there and to get dressed up. I felt pretty.
5. Matt and I learned how to play cribbage tonight. I think it is really a cool game. Mostly luck, but it was a good game, even with just two players, which seems rare.

Friday, December 7, 2012

7 December 2012

1.  I was early again today.  Time management is definitely improving.  Also, I knew I was going to be out of the house today, so I started the laundry last night so I could still get it done.  Go me!
2.  The boys were really patient while I shopped today.  We had a fun time together at the mall, with Mary.  I'm hoping to add some pictures to this post--I got some great ones of the boys playing on a toy fire truck, motorcycle, and ice cream truck.
3.  I bought some dress pants, a top, and some shorts that were on sale.  I'm excited to wear my pants tomorrow when we go to Cirque du Soleil!
4.  We had homemade chicken nuggets for dinner tonight and they were yummy.  I used some gluten free bread crumbs I've never used before and they were weird at first, but I really like them.  I think we'll use the rest of the bag on crab cakes in a few days.
5.  Emily sent me a birthday card that came today.  It officially feels like my birthday weekend!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

6 December 2012

1. Bobby didn't wake up in the night at all. Scott only woke up once at 11pm, so it didn't disturb me. Yay!
2. It was fun to watch the boys play in our massive leaf pile today.
3. I made plans to go to Dressbarn tomorrow with Mary. Hoping to find some fun clothes!
4. Bobby went to bed with zero crying tonight. He even waved and said, "Bye." when I laid him down. I think we may have turned a corner with his sleep habits.
5. Matt and I made cookies together tonight. He and the kids have been eating Chips Ahoy and Oreo for the last week or so and my jealousy could not be contained any longer.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

5 December 2011

1. We went to the zoo and we got there early! I felt so good about my time management this morning.
2. It was fun to see the boys respond to the animals. I think Bobby was really amazed by the giraffe. Scott loved the elephants.
3. We had a pretty quiet afternoon while Bobby slept. Scott and I got some recovery time.
4. I made tacos for dinner. Turns out, tacos is one of my favorite dinners. I don't think I knew that about myself.
5. Matt came home before he had to go to Scouts. I didn't expect him until after the kids were in bed, so that was a wonderful, relieving surprise.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

4 December 2012

1. There was no line at the post office!
2. When we read "My Truck is Stuck" for the last time before returning it to the library, Scott chimed in with, "by Kevin Lewis and Daniel Kirk." He also sang the Mighty Machines theme song in the car after seeing a digger out his window. So cute.
3. I talked to Maurine for a long time on the phone today. It was fun. I feel blessed to have a sister who is also a great friend.
4. We had hot dogs, chips, and grapes for dinner. Bobby ate a whole hot dog in the time it took me to put mine together. The kid eats fast!
5. I ran on the treadmill tonight. First time exercising in a while. Go me!!

Monday, December 3, 2012

3 December 2012

1. Scott's leg is not broken and his bone is not infected. So his limp is probably temporary.
2. Bobby fell asleep in the car with a bag of Cheetos by his face. It was pretty cute.
3. Jean came over to see our tree and visit. Bobby loves her!
4. We got to sing Happy Birthday to Hayley over FaceTime. Scotty sang along and it was SO cute!
5. Bones and Castle were new tonight.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

2 December 2012

1.  We got to church on time.
2.  The Relief Society lesson was really great.
3.  I survived my first choir practice as director.
4.  I got a nap :)
5.  Scott fell asleep in my arms tonight while I sang him Christmas songs.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

1 December 2012

1. Scott slept in till almost 10am.
2. We got all of the leaves raked and into bags.
3. Matt bought some more lights up outside and they look beautiful!
4. Bobby tried to help with the leaves but he was too short and it was super cute to watch him try.
5. I watched some of the LOTR special features and now Matt and I are watching Star Wars. :)

Friday, November 30, 2012

30 November 2012

1. Bobby slept in till 10:30am. And he was such a happy boy for most of the day. (He got tired around 4:30pm.)
2. I got the laundry done and put away by 3:30pm.
3. As far as I know, I never lost my temper, which is HUGE for me.
4. Scott plays and sings along with all of his TV shows now which is so fun! He also is the cutest thing when he comes to me and says, "I want to sit with you" or "I want to give you a hug." I love him!!
5. We had crackers, cheese, and summer sausage for dinner and no one complained. I love low maintenance dinners.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

29 November 2012

1.  Scott and Bobby did not wake up at all.  I slept from 11pm-8am without waking up at all.  I think it's been about 2 years since that happened.  Amazing.
2.  We picked up Matt's Cyber Monday purchases from Best Buy today: Star Wars original trilogy and the 15-disc set of Lord of the Rings.  Yahoo!
3.  We got our Christmas tree and put it up!  It's beautiful!
4.  The boys ate their dinner really well.  I love nights that I don't have to fight them to eat.
5.  I fell asleep by the Christmas tree after the boys went to bed.  Now it's time to go to my bed.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

28 November 2012

1. We had a yummy breakfast with Tom this morning.
2. We saw Laura, Kate, and Kendall in their new house.
3. We got to the airport in the perfect amount if time to eat and get on the plane.
4. Mary got us from the airport with very short notice and Bobby was SO happy to see her!
5. WE'RE HOME!!!

27 November 2012

1. Scott had to pee and we were 15 minutes from the nearest exit and he held it!! Amazing!
2. We had lunch at Zupas. It's probably the restaurant we miss the most since leaving Utah. It's fresh and delicious food.
3. We bought a pound of See's chocolate. It is so yummy!! Scott and Bobby got chocolate coins as samples and now they're hooked.
4. I finally got my prescription filled after days of waiting and calling and worrying. It all finally got taken care of. Hooray!
5. We had an awesome visit with Uncle Tom and Aunt Cheri. We played Shanghai just like old times. It was SO fun. I'm so glad I could introduce them to my babies. I so miss living close to them. They are such a great influence for good.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

26 November 2012

1.  Bobby slept till 9am, so that means I did too!
2.  I had pumpkin pie as a snack today.  Got to love Thanksgiving!
3.  We took the boys to Taco Time for lunch and it was so yummy.  I really miss Taco Time because their food tastes so fresh.  The manager was really nice, too, and made some chicken for Scotty even though it's not technically on the menu.
4.  Matt and I went to see Rise of the Guardians with Nicole and Stuart. I was really nervous about leaving Bobby again because last time he stayed up till 3am. But he slept the whole time and never knew we were gone!  YESSS!
5.  I finally watched my Netflix movie (Joyful Noise) that we've had for a week and I liked it.

25 November 2012

1.  We only had one wake-up all night long!  It felt so great to get a good night's sleep!
2.  The boys made it all the way through church without too much of a fuss.
3.  Scott and Bobby went to nursery and made thankful turkeys with their hands.  Scott said he was thankful for Mario, coloring books, toys and Bobby.  When I asked Scott what Bobby was thankful for, he said, "ME!"  It was cute.
4.  I got to wear a new top to church and I really liked it.
5.  I made some apple crisp and it turned out great and everyone loved it.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

24 November 2012

1.  Bobby fell asleep in my arms three times today.
2.  We took some pictures of the family today and I think we got a couple of good shots.
3.  Nancy and I made some pumpkin oatmeal chocolate chip cookies with a gf mix she had and they're yummy.
4.  We had pizza for dinner and it was really good.  I actually called one place and they were out of gluten-free pizza and there was another restaurant.  That's some good luck!
5.  Scotty almost fell asleep while I was singing to him.  I love that moment when he starts to zone out and he really wants to go to bed.  There's no fight at all with him by the end of the day.  He knows he's tired.

Friday, November 23, 2012

23 November 2012

1. I love watching Bobby make faces. He has big eyes and big lips and is very expressive. I love it!
2. Scott ate a lot of turkey today; he just kept asking for more! He normally eats very little, so that was awesome.
3. I got to go to a store today without my kids! And I got some new shirts from DownEast at 30% off. Yay!
4. I had the opportunity to do the dishes for my mother-in-law while she was out and I did it!
5. We had dinner with Nicole and Stuart and it was really fun and the food was delicious!! I really hope we live near each other someday.

22 November 2012

1.  We had a wonderful meal with all of the classics for Thanksgiving.
2.  Nicole made a crustless coconut creme pie for me.  I had never had it, so that was very exciting and yummy.
3.  Nancy made a crustless pumpkin pie which is delicious.
4.  We played Racko, Greedy/5000/Farkle, Hoopla, and Pictureka.
5.  We got to spend lots of time with almost all of Matt's family.  I feel very lucky to be part of it.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

21 November 2012

1.  We got on our airplane!
2.  The boys didn't have any serious meltdowns.
3.  I got Bobby to sleep in my arms on the plane.  He's so sweet.
4.  We made it all the way to Idaho!
5.  The bed we slept in was super comfortable with a really heavy blanket that felt so nice.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

20 November 2012

1.  Matt lost track of time this morning so I got to sleep in until 8:21am!  Yahoo!
2.  I got lots and lots of hugs from my boys today.
3.  My living room is clean, and the floors in my dining room and kitchen are swept.  Scotty is learning how to help me clean up all of the toys and shoes in the living room.  He was a great helper today.
4.  We went to Jean's to get Scotty's hair cut and it looks great!
5.  My sister called to tell me she's going to Disneyland with her family and I could not be happier for them!!!

Monday, November 19, 2012

19 November 2012

1. The human body is incredible. We have all mostly recovered from our day of puking with about 8 hours of sleep. Pretty amazing.
2. The boys played really well outside today. Bobby even pushed a huge ball to the top of our hill. It was impressive.
3. We had chicken and yellow rice for dinner. It was so yummy. It was also funny to watch Bobby try so hard to feed himself. Rice is tricky! He finally got hungry enough to accept our help.
4. Scotty started singing the Mighty Machines song today. So cute! Especially with his dance to go with it. I love that boy!
5. Matt and I watched TV together tonight. It was just what I needed on my recovery day.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

18 November 2012

1. We are all still alive!
2. No one puked on the floor or beds. It all made it in a bowl or a toilet.
3. We got sick today instead of Wednesday, when we will be on an airplane.
4. The kids went to bed really easily at 7:30pm.
5. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

17 November 2012

1.  I went to see Breaking Dawn part 2 by myself today during "Bobby's nap."  (He ended up not sleeping, pooping three times, and throwing up once all in the 2 hours I was gone.  Poor Matt!)
2.  My mom and I chatted for a little while tonight on the phone.  It's always fun to catch up.
3.  We had pizza for dinner from Mellow Mushroom.  Yum.
4.  Scotty can sing the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song.  It's so cute! "Come inside, it's fun inside..."
5.  Bobby gives great hugs.

16 November 2012

1. The boys slept in till 8. They only woke up once, so that's great!
2. Scotty attended his first birthday party as a cognizant gift-giver and non-receiver and only broke down once at the very end, so I was really proud of him. I'm sure it will get easier.
3. Bobby took a good nap, so Scott and I got some much-needed time to vedge (is there a correct spelling of that?).
4. We ate dinner at home. I've been super lazy about dinner and grocery shopping lately so I was glad we were able to make a meal at home.
5. I was feeling hopeless and annoyed about the laundry and said, "It never ends!" but I only do laundry on Fridays, so then I said, "Yes it does. Every week, for a week." I was proud of myself for correcting my attitude to quickly.

Friday, November 16, 2012

15 November 2012

1. I went outside with the boys and just enjoyed how cute they are running around together. I also started raking the backyard because I was chilly and finished!
2. I threw Scott's shoes down the stairs and one stuck to the stairs. It was funny.
3. Our new TV stand/cabinet came today and its beautiful and sturdy. Yay!
4. Bobby has been making an angry face a lot lately, but today he has a new look: surprised. I love it!
5. We all went to Wendy's and sat in the restaurant, per Scott's request, and it was really fun. And no clean up!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

14 November 2012

1. Bobby loves it when I sing Itsy Bitsy Spider to him.
2. Scott can sing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, but so far cannot carry a tune. It's really cute to hear him try. I almost started crying tonight listening to him because it was so sweet.
3. Bobby made a little friend while we were in line at the post office. It was fun to watch him interact. They just sat on the floor together and touched each other's hair, feet, etc. It was cute.
4. I watched a really interesting documentary about cross-species animal friendships. It was sweet and fascinating.
5. My bed is warm.

13 November 2012

1. I made mac and cheese for lunch :)
2. We went to the park and I knew two other moms. So that was really fun!
3. The kids were SO good while I made dinner. I didn't get frustrated once and the enchiladas were scrumptious. Even the boys ate them!
4. The boys are clean! They got so dirty today digging in dirt at Jean's and playing in a puddle at the park, so it was nice to have them clean and smelling nice again. :)
5. Matt brought home some puzzles home from work and I did them all. Probably shouldn't have stayed up so late, but I just love puzzles!!

Monday, November 12, 2012

12 November 2012

1. I slept in till 8:45am. Matt had the day off! :)
2. We had a playdate with MaryEllen and Cooper. We had fun and it gave Matt a chance to get the yard work done without worrying about the boys getting too close to the mower or getting too scared of the leafblower.
3. We spent the rest of the day together shopping for a new TV stand. (Ours is made of veneered particle board from Wal-Mart and it is now bowing beneath the weight of the TV, speakers and such on it. So it was time to get one made of real wood.) The boys did really well! And we didn't meet anyone while we shopped who wasn't understanding of them and their exuberant nature which was so refreshing.
4. We found something we like that I think we will keep forever and never replace. It is being delivered on Thursday. :)
5. I love my boys. They are so loving. I love that I get hugs from them all day. I know they don't do it for any other reason than that they love me. And even though being a mom can be a really tough job sometimes, hugs and kisses from my boys is the best paycheck ever.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

11 November 2012

1. I got to wear a new top and new jewelry to church. I felt pretty :)
2. I got a chance to take a little nap tonight. It felt so good.
3. We had hot dogs for dinner, so no complaints from Scott or Bobby!
4. Matt got our new speaker system set up last night so we have been listening to Pandora radio all day. So nice :)
5. All my boys were wearing Batman pajamas tonight and I got a picture! So cute. (Matt doesn't like to be in pictures...)

Saturday, November 10, 2012

10 November 2012

1. Betty and I met up at Chick-fil-A so she could give me the jewelry from my party!! I'm excited to wear it.
2. Scott had such a great time playing with the other kids on the playscape. He has become so social; he loves to introduce himself and ask questions of complete strangers. It's fun to watch.
3. Matt came home!!! It is so nice to have him back!
4. I got three new tops at Kohl's today. I'm not sure which one I will wear to church tomorrow, but it's so nice to have options!
5. We had chocolate cupcakes for dessert. Mmmm.

Friday, November 9, 2012

9 November 2012

1.  Bobby didn't wake up at all last night and slept till 6:30am.  That's really great compared to the past few days...
2.  All of my laundry is clean again!
3.  Scotty is getting really interested in the alphabet lately.  He watched a bunch of SuperWhy videos of the alphabet and he was trying to sing along and dance.  It was really cute.
4.  Scott and Bobby are getting better and better at playing together.  Bobby will push Scott on the tricycle and that keeps them from feeling like they have to take turns, so there's no bickering.  Scott can't really pedal yet, so he actually needs the push from Bobby.  And, Bobby is learning to push trains along the track instead of just tearing up the track all the time.  It's so nice.
5.  Jean came over to keep me company this afternoon.  It was nice to have a visitor with Matt being out of town.  It broke up the day a little.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

8 November 2012

1. Bobby played along with Little Einsteins this morning. "Pat pat pat pat... Now raise your arms as high as you can and say Blast off!" So cute.
2. The fall colors are so vibrant. I'm loving the red, orange, and yellow trees lining the streets as I drive around town. It's so beautiful and it reminds me of my childhood in New England.
3. Bobby went down really easily for his nap. I love it when that happens.
4. Scotty is really into Blue's Clues all of a sudden, so it has been fun to see my friend, Steve again :)
5. When we were stuck in traffic, Scott decided we needed to buy a rocket ship, the conversation ending with his latest tag phrase, "maybe for Christmas!"

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

7 November 2012

1.  I had Reese's Puffs for breakfast.
2.  Bobby is starting to understand when he's doing something wrong.  I caught him with a nickel in his mouth and when he saw me, he ran away.  He's fast, but it was so cute!!  It's so funny to see such a little body run so fast.
3.  Matt came home from work at 4pm.
4.  Wendy's for dinner!  a.k.a. no cooking and no dishes!
5.  We have been reading Click Clack Moo: Cows That Type at bedtime for the last several nights and Scott has the first page memorized now.  It's so cute.  "Farmer Brown has a problem.  His cows like to type..."  And he also says, "Sincerely, The Cows" or "sincewy, da cows."

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

6 November 2012

1. The boys slept until 7:30am. I hope it's a trend!
2. We got to our polling station at 8 and we didn't have to wait at all. It was fun.
3. Scotty and I had fun doing the puzzle again and learning colors, numbers, and shapes. We also played trains and watched TV. He is so appreciative. I can't even count how many times he said, "I love you" to me today. He says, "I yuv yo." So cute.
4. I talked to Emily today for a while. I'm so grateful that we are friends and sisters. Pretty great.
5. Matt got home before me! I love that. Usually I'm hoping he comes home soon, and this time he was waiting for me.
*. Matt helped make blueberry pancakes, eggs, and bacon for dinner!

Monday, November 5, 2012

5 November 2012

1. I had an opportunity to serve my husband and let him sleep in and I took it without any bad feelings. I was happy to do it. That's rare. Maybe I am growing up?
2. Scotty and I did a puzzle together today (3 times). I love puzzles. I hope he will still like them when he is older so we can still do puzzles together.
3. I went through pictures of my kids today and I am so grateful for them--my kids and the pictures.
4. We went to the park today for about 90 minutes and Matt got home about 15 minutes after us. Usually it's the hardest part of the day, so it was nice to have a break from the norm.
5. The kids were exhausted and went to bed really easily. I love nights like that. They are so cute when they start to space out. :)

Sunday, November 4, 2012

4 November 2012

1. We made it to church before the opening song.
2. I bore my testimony.
3. My jewelry party is now closed and I'll be getting three necklaces and three bracelets. I'm excited.
4. Matt did the dishes.
5. I'm so grateful for my neighbor, Jean. She is such a great friend and the fact that she lives next door is an amazing blessing.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

3 November 2012

1. My granola bars turned out great and everyone loved them!
2. Eleven people came to my jewelry party!!
3. Laura came to town for the work party and it was SO GOOD to see her. She makes me feel so good because she likes me because I'm blunt and straightforward, not in spite of it.
4. Alyson needed a babysitter and I got to help and watch her 5yo daughter. We read some books together, and it was so fun to see her figuring out words! I can't wait to teach Scott to read.
5. Matt got a peanut butter sundae from DQ just minutes before they closed. So yummy!

Friday, November 2, 2012

2 November 2012

1. I took a shower this morning before Matt left for work. I've been showering at night and it was so refreshing.
2. My kitchen and dining room are clean.
3. The boys "helped" me make granola bars today. They just stood on a chair and snitched chocolate chips. It was pretty cute.
4. It's laundry day and I let myself watch a lot of TV--so I didn't watch very much kid TV today. So nice to have a break from Mickey and Chuggington, etc.
5. We went to Costco tonight for a chocolate-dipped ice cream bar with roasted almonds. So yummy.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

1 November 2012

1. Scott and Bobby sort of slept in till 7:45am. Bobby did wake up at 4 and Scott was in our bed from 5:30 or so on, but it was still nice.
2. We had a great time at the park. It was pretty chilly, so it wasn't crowded, which is nice.
3. Scotty and I had fun playing Thomas games on the computer.
4. We went to IHOP for dinner.
5. I got the front room and bathroom clean, so I'm ready for a few guests to come to my jewelry party on Saturday. Yay!
*. Scott loved reading Click, Clack Moo. And I loved reading it to him.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

31 October 2012

1. We got the kids to sleep in till 7:30!
2. Scott is getting a lot better at using the mouse on the computer; it's fun to see him progress.
3. I did some "jigsaw" puzzles today on the iPad. I love puzzles.
4. I took some good pictures of the boys in their costumes. They are such cute kids!!
5. The kids stayed up late tonight and bedtime was fast and simple, but Scotty insisted that we read scriptures. He's so righteous...sometimes.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

30 October 2012

1.  Matt woke up with the kids at 5:30am and let me sleep until 7:40, when he had to get ready for work.
2.  Matt took the trash out!!! I love it when I don't have to worry about getting it out quickly after he leaves for work.  I've missed it a few times, and that is not a fun feeling.
3.  Bobby took a morning nap and that meant I had time to finish the laundry I started on Friday.
4.  We met up with Alainna, Candice, and kids at McDonald's for lunch.  Bobby ate 4 chicken nuggets.  I was in shock.  I think he must be going through a grow spurt.
5.  Scotty took a long nap after we got home and even though that made me worry about bedtime, it was really nice to have some "alone" time this afternoon.  I say "alone" because he was asleep right next to be on the couch.  He's so cute!

Monday, October 29, 2012

29 October 2012

1.  Scott and I played together this morning and had a good time.
2.  Bobby woke up in time for us to go to the store to get some things we needed for dinner and come back before Alainna came over.
3.  Alainna came over with Jonathan and Isaac.  She met Bobby for the first time and he was so sweet with her.  He sat with her while we watched a show and she was so surprised and how calm he was with her.  It was so fun to see such a good friend and my baby together.
4.  We had homemade chicken and beef enchiladas tonight.  They were super yummy.
5.  Matt and I survived another workout.  Only 5 more days!!!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

28 October 2012

1. I slept till 7:48am and still made it to church on time.
2. One hour church! Scott has a runny nose and a cough and couldn't go to nursery so we all went home. It was so nice to have Bobby take a nap when he was ready.
3. I took a nap.
4. I watched Great Migrations. It always helps me reminisce to watch nature shows on Sunday.
5. Bobby got some Now and Laters in his Halloween candy and they were so soft and yummy! Bobby liked them, too.

27 October 2012

1. Scotty and I went to see Alainna and her boys.
2. Matt got a new leaf blower/vacuum and weed whacker, so our yard looks great.
3. Bobby looked super cute at Bob the Builder.
4. Scotty looked super cute as The Man with the Yellow Hat.
5. We got Wendy's for dinner.

Friday, October 26, 2012

26 October 2012

1. We kept the basement and playroom clean.
2. Scott and Bobby played on the tricycle and Bobby pushed Scott all over the basement; it was super cute.
3. Cleaned some leftovers out of the fridge for lunch and dinner, which always lifts some kind of weird burden.
4. I got to rock Bobby to sleep tonight. I sure love that baby when he's not flailing his body around when he is upset.
5. Scott's costume is done!!

25 October 2012

1. I was in bed from 8:30pm-9am. It was glorious. (Matt stayed home from work.)
2. I cleaned the basement and the playroom. They look spectacular and I feel so much better.
3. Scott and I went to Costco and it was really fun. It was sweet, too: whenever we tried a sample he would ask, "Can Bobby try?" But Bobby was at home napping. It was so nice to see him thinking of his brother.
4. I got to make dinner and do dishes without battling the kids because Matt was home. It's usually the most stressful part of my day and it was so nice to have some relief.
5. I did the workout by myself because Matt wasn't feeling well. I am so proud for doing it and not copping out.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

24 October 2012

1. Bobby was really good about entertaining himself before his nap. He just went from toy to toy in the playroom.
2. Scotty has been spontaneously telling us, "I love you" a lot lately and it makes me feel so good.
3. I had a hard afternoon so Matt brought home a rotisserie chicken for dinner. So yummy!
4. I love bath night! My babies are clean and fresh again!
5. Matt and I are skipping our workout tonight and going to bed. Matt had several coworkers tell him to go home because he is sick, and I'm going to be supportive of his early bedtime by joining him. ;)

23 October 2012

1. We stayed home all day, which is really nice sometimes.
2. I read some books to Bobby. It's really cute how he will bring me a book, turn around and back up onto my lap. I love it.
3. Scott and I dug up some more monkey grass at Jean's. We had a good time and Scott was a big help picking up big pieces and putting them in the "trash" and looking for "gummy worms."
4. I made pumpkin rice crispy treats around lunchtime and it was nice to have a treat after our workout.
5. I finished the hat for Scott's costume and dyed the shirt and pants. Now I just need to make a tie and decide what I want to do about the belt. I'm getting really excited, and I think Scotty is, too!

Monday, October 22, 2012

22 October 2012

1. Bobby took a nap from 11:30am-3pm. Poor baby has a runny nose, so I think he really needed it. He woke up happy and very hungry.
2. Scott and I went to Jean's house and dug up some dead monkey grass for her. I though it was really fun. We are gonna go back tomorrow.
3. I started my sticker chart up again today and got all of my stickers for the day: dishes, clean 40min, play 40min, dinner, and work out.
4. Matt watched the boys while I went to the library for a few minutes. I got a book for a Gilmore-girls-inspired book club.
5. Even though we really didn't want to, and we really wanted to quit several times, we made it to the end of our work out today: max interval circuit. Ugh.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

21 October 2012

1.  Bobby sat with Mary for almost all of sacrament meeting and was really quiet.
2.  Scott read a book about Jesus during the first part of the sacrament and stayed quiet for that part.
3.  Scott successfully told his nursery teacher that he had to go potty and went to the bathroom at church without any issues.  I'm pretty sure that means he's officially potty-trained.
4.  Bedtime was exceedingly easy tonight.  Scott was super tired and basically put himself to bed at 7.  Bobby wandered around while we read scriptures and then I sang him a few songs and I put him in his crib.  I was out of their room by 7:30pm.  Pretty darn amazing.
5.  Matt and I have been working together to make a yellow hat and brown boot covers for Scott's Halloween costume and it has been really fun for me.  We're hoping to finish the hat tomorrow.  Then I just have to dye a shirt and pants yellow... we'll see how that works out.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

20 October 2011

1. I had cinnamon toast and Naked juice smoothie for breakfast because we were out of milk.
2. I didn't have to pay for parking at Time Out for Women.
3. Becky called during lunch and we had a good chat.
4. Alainna called during lunch and we had a good chat and I found out she is coming to visit!!
5. We had chicken nachos for dinner and they were really yummy.

19 October 2012

1. Got to sleep in as always, but still so grateful to Matt for taking the kids until he has to leave for work.
2. Played outside with the boys.
3. Got all the laundry washed and dried and three-quarters put away.
4. Didn't have to make dinner.
5. Time Out for Women! Matt came home early. I got there early and happened to have two empty seats by me for Dawn and Teressa.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

18 October 2012

1. I slept very well. Matt took Bobby when he woke up at 4:30 and got him back to sleep.
2. Bobby took a good nap so Scott and I read books together.
3. We had lunch at Costco.
4. We went to the park. I love watching Bobby wander around and discover new things. Scott also looked really cute trying out a scooter.
5. I made enchiladas tonight and they were spectacular. And I even made Spanish rice and refried beans. Yum.

I have to add a tender mercy: Scott puked at Costco, but I was able to catch almost all of it in a sample cup I had in my hand. It was really gross, but also amazing.

17 October 2012

1. We went to the park and the weather was great.
2. I went visiting teaching and it was good to chat with adults.
3. We went to Ty's house and Scott had a great time.
4. Bobby took a good nap so the afternoon was pretty low-key.
5. I leveled up my herbalism really quickly in WoW. Having a flying mount is awesome.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

16 October 2012

1. Scott was dry again and told me when it was time to go to the bathroom. We are working toward having a fully potty-trained boy in a matter if days.
2. Bobby took a good nap. (Today was almost a clone of yesterday.)
3. I had a good chat with Jean this afternoon and she finished listening to Elder Holland's talk and she said she really liked his voice and it makes you feel good. Maybe she felt the Spirit? I hope so.
4. I had to wear a sweatshirt outside today!! I love this weather!!
5. We had pancakes for dinner. Matt made Mickey pancakes and the kids loved it. Scotty actually ate his entire dinner in less than 30 minutes. Amazing.

Monday, October 15, 2012

15 October 2012

1. Scott was dry all night. He woke up at midnight and had a potty break and then held it till almost 8am. Then he stayed dry all day and asked to go potty more than he was told. Amazing!
2. Bobby had some quiet time in bed from 9:30-11am. He never fell asleep, but he quietly looked at a book and talked to himself. It was fun to listen to.
3. I got some cleaning done--dishes, dining room floor, kitchen counters.
4. The boys sat at the table and painted and colored while I made lasagna. I made too much, so I shared with Jean. When she came to pick it up she said she had been watching the talk I e-mailed her and liked it. It was Elder Holland's talk from Conference.
5. Matt came home at 5:30pm. He played with the boys outside after dinner. Then before bed, he let Scotty jump off his back. It was fun to watch. Bobby wanted to copy Scott, so I helped.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

14 October 2012

1. I had a great moment at church when I was able to bear my testimony of the Savior during a comment in Relief Society.
2. Mary is so good with Bobby--she makes going to church so much easier. I really feel her love for him, too. She's not just doing it because she's my visiting teacher.
3. I fasted for the first time in a while and I made it 18 hours! Next month I'll shoot for 20.
4. I wore a new bra today and I love it.
5. Matt let me take a little nap from 6-7pm and I really needed it.

13 October 2012

1. The kids slept until 7.
2. I got to run some errands by myself.
3. I had Moe's for dinner.
4. We didn't work out. (Matt's not feeling well and it was Fast Saturday, so I think it was a good call.)
5. I went to bed around 10. Yay for sleep!

Friday, October 12, 2012

12 October 2012

1. I got my addresses in for my jewelry show, so my invitations will go out this weekend. I'm excited. How excited I am reminds me of myself before depression, which is really refreshing.
2. Scott was dry again! I didn't set timers today at all. I just took him up when I felt like it had been a while, so I know he is really understanding how to hold it.
3. We had grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup for dinner and it was really good.
4. Bobby has been really crabby lately, but today he took a four hour nap and was pretty pleasant and as always, so cute.
5. The workout tonight was so hard that I almost started crying a couple of times, but I finished it! Go me!!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

11 October 2012

1. Scott was dry again all day!!
2. I had counseling today and it went really well. I guess all I needed was for someone to congratulate me for not hurting Bobby even through all the crying he's been doing lately.
3. Bobby took a long nap and Scott was pretty tired, so I got to just snuggle with Scott and watch TV for a while. He even said, "I yuv yo." :)
4. I had a meatloaf sandwich for dinner and it was fantastic.
5. Matt took care of feeding the kids so I got the dishes done!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

10 October 2012

1.  We went to Fernbank today with Michelle, Rylan, and Cameron.  It was really fun.
2.  Scott did well using the toilet while we were at the museum and didn't have an accident.
3.  I got dinner done before 5:30 again!! We had homemade chicken nuggets and a veggie platter and it was so good.
4.  Matt came home in time to play with the boys outside for a few minutes and to help with bath time.
5.  I brushed Scott's teeth tonight without gagging him and with no resistance.  So nice!!

9 October 2012

1.  Bobby is feeling better.  He cried in the morning, but I took him outside and he was fine, and that allowed me to breathe.
2.  Scott was dry all day!!! I am so proud of him.
3.  We spent a lot of time outside in the backyard and the kids had a great time, the weather was wonderful, and no one got hurt.  Amazing.
4.  I got dinner on the table before 5:30pm!
5.  Scott ate a lot more than usual for dinner.

Monday, October 8, 2012

8 October 2012

1.  Matt let me sleep in again this morning.
2.  Matt had the day off!
3.  We spent some time outside as a whole family today.  The weather was beautiful, just a little bit chilly, the way I like it.  Matt came up to me and told me I was beautiful out of the blue.  It was so nice, seriously made my day.
4.  Bobby was well enough to eat dinner with us.
5.  Scott fell asleep in my arms tonight while I sang him a lullaby.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

7 October 2012

1.  I had fun playing with the boys this morning while Matt slept in.
2.  Bobby wasn't feeling well today, which meant that he snuggled with me for a long time while I watched Conference.  I miss the days when he was a baby and I got to hold him like that, so it was really nice.  I don't think he's actually ill--he got his MMR vaccination about a week ago and the doctor warned me that he might get a fever.
3.  I got to take a nap between sessions.
4.  All of my siblings logged on to chat about the last 2 weeks and about their impressions of Conference.  It was really fun.  It felt a little bit like the old days when we had FHE the day after General Conference was over.  I really grew up in a great family.
5.  I'm going to have some ice cream. :)

Saturday, October 6, 2012

6 October 2012

1. I went grocery shopping by myself!
2. General Conference!!
3. Jean had a jewelry party today and it was really fun. I think I'm going to get a necklace and I signed up to do a party. I spent some time tonight looking at the catalog and filling out forms, which I love to do.
4. We had chicken tacos for dinner and they were so good!
5. I had to put the boys to bed by myself because Matt had the Priesthood session, but it went well and I only went back in once. I didn't have to interrupt my workout at all. Plus, they were squeaky clean which always brings out my love for them.

Friday, October 5, 2012

5 October 2012

1.  The laundry is done and put away, even Matt's work clothes are in his closet and not on the rack by the washer and dryer.
2.  We had pizza for dinner from Mellow Mushroom and I had a credit for a gluten-free pizza because my last red skin potato pie pizza had uncooked potatoes on it, so it was only $15 for mine and Matt's including tip!
3.  Scotty put himself to bed tonight.  Poor kid.  Maybe I should let him take naps again.
4.  Bobby was all smiles before bed.  I think he liked the undivided attention.  He didn't fuss when we left.
5.  It's date night, so we're getting ice cream at DQ!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

4 October 2012

1.  I got some new work shirts for Matt and I'm excited to see him wear them.
2.  The park we went to today was really, really cool.  It had a slide that went down probably 2 stories and I had a lot of fun going down a few times.  I even went down with both boys.  There was also a bunch of swings and a merry go round and a couple of little zip-line type things.  I want to take Matt there so he can see the boys on all of the different equipment.  So fun.
3.  I met a girl today from the playgroup named Natalie and she was really fun to talk to.  I hope we'll hang out again.
4.  A few of us went to Costco for lunch, so I was able to get some frozen lunches for Matt, too.
5.  Since we had such a busy morning, Bobby slept from 2:30-5:30 and Scotty and I got to spend some time together outside, and then just hung out on the couch to recuperate.  Pretty good day if you ask me!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

3 October 2012

1.  We survived the doctor's office today.  The boys are beautiful and healthy.
2.  The boys and I had lunch at Fernbank and it was a really good chef salad.  It's been a long time since I had one with the hard-boiled egg.  It was yummy.
3.  Scott and Bobby loved playing at the Treehouse in the Fernbank and no one cried when we left.
4.  Bobby slept when we got home until Matt got home from work.
5.  I got to see my boys freshly bathed and ready for bed.  I love that.  I think they're cutest when they're newly clean.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

2 October 2012

1.  The boys wanted to go outside this morning so we did and they had fun.
2.  I asked Jean if she'll come watch a session of conference on Sunday and she said she would.
3.  Bobby took a 4-hour nap.
4.  We went to the dinosaur museum for an hour, which was a really good time-killer.
5.  Scott wanted to read books tonight at bedtime.  It's been a while since he's asked to read books, so that was really fun.

Monday, October 1, 2012

1 October 2012

1.  I got to take my parents to the train station and bid them a fond farewell.  Matt was going to have to take them before he left for work, but he took the day off to hopefully get over his cough.
2.  Scotty had a dentist appointment and he did so well!
3.  Someone found my prescription in a shopping cart at Kroger and I was able to get it back.  So grateful!
4.  Matt and I shared a rice bowl from Moe's and I felt very full afterward.  Who knew half of one could be so filling!?
5.  My kitchen is clean again and it didn't even take that long to get all of the dishes done.  Go me.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

30 September 2012

1.  The boys were pretty good during sacrament meeting.  We didn't have to take anyone out of the chapel, which is pretty amazing.
2.  After Scotty got each of his cars, he did a little review, starting with, "Hey, YouTubers..." which was pretty funny to hear and watch.  He wanted to keep putting his cars back in their packaging so he could open it again during his review.
3.  We made cookies and they're very yummy.
4.  Putting the kids to bed was pretty easy tonight.
5.  I'm watching The Ten Commandments with my parents.  Just like old times.

29 September 2012

1. Scott loves the Thomas puzzles we got for him. And he can do them with minimal help! It's so fun to watch him figure it out.
2. Bobby took a 4-hour nap and woke up so happy.
3. We went to Yoforia for frozen yogurt.
4. Nancy got some color changing monster trucks for Scott and he LOVES them.
5. I went to the RS broadcast with my mom.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

28 September 2012

1.  I rented a Sienna and really enjoyed driving it for the day.  And Scott loved it, too.
2.  We had a fun visit in Jonesboro, GA seeing all things Gone With The Wind.
3.  I used a Groupon for the bus tour and saved us $35.
4.  Scott and Bobby were really good while we were in Jonesboro.  Scott even fell asleep on the way home.
5.  Jean came over to watch the kids so Mom, Dad, Matt, and I could go to a movie and get some frozen yogurt.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

27 September 2012

1.  We're going to be busy tomorrow, so I thought ahead and did the laundry today!  Go me!
2.  My parents start their visit today!
3.  Dad liked the tacos we made.
4.  Scotty keeps referring to Dad as, "that guy."  Maybe he'll start calling him, "Grandpa" before he leaves.
5.  Scott put himself to sleep tonight.  He took his milk to his bed and I tucked him in around 7:20pm and he fell asleep with the sippy cup in his mouth and the light on.  I think Bobby has been waking him up early or something.  Poor kid was tired!

26 September 2012

1.  I woke up with the kids so that Matt could sleep in.  Scotty let me take a long nap while Bobby took his morning nap.  It was pretty much amazing.
2.  We went to Costco for lunch and to have the coupons applied to an old receipt so I saved $21!
3.  Scotty wanted to go to the park, so we went on the way home from Costco with ice cream and lemonade.  We stayed for 2 hours or more and had a great time.  We left because Scott wanted water and I didn't have any.  So there was no crying when we left.  Yay!
4.  Bobby took an afternoon nap and woke up around 5:30pm, which was right after I finished eating dinner, so that was perfect.
5.  We organized all of the presents we got for Scott to decide when we want to give him each gift.  I'm getting pretty excited to see what he thinks!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

25 September 2012

This post actually has to begin with a bad thing because it is the root of almost all of the good things that will follow:  Matt is sick with a cough, chest pain, and a bad headache.  So, he stayed home from work.
1.  I slept in until I woke up at 9:30am.
2.  I went to Wal-Mart by myself for about 90 minutes and got a few more presents for Scott and some work clothes for Matt that I've been meaning to do for a long time, but didn't want to do when the kids were with me.
3.  Bobby got to take his nap while Scotty and I went to Jean's house to get our hair cut.  Another thing I've been meaning to do for a long time.
4.  We had tacos for dinner and they were really yummy.  I wanted to get tomatoes at the store, but there was pico de gallo right next to the shredded lettuce so I got that instead and it was delicious with the tacos.
5.  Matt did some of the workout but had to stop because his head was throbbing, but I was really proud of myself for persevering all by myself!  Go me!

Monday, September 24, 2012

24 September 2012

1.  I went to bed at 10:30pm last night, so when Bobby woke up at 4am, I wasn't mad and I was able to get him back to sleep and myself back in bed in about 5 minutes.  It's amazing how smoothly things go when I can keep my cool.
2.  I remembered to put our Netflix movie in the mail!
3.  Mom and Dad are coming this weekend so I washed the bathroom rugs and shower curtain, and wiped down the counters.  Looks good.
4.  The boys and I spent some time outside with Jean.  The weather was perfect and the boys loved it.  Bobby made some of the cutest faces as he played in the dirt.  And Scott didn't hurt himself!  That's big news.
5.  Matt and I really didn't want to work out, but we did it.  Only five more workouts until our recovery week.  We can do it!!!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

23 September 2012

1.  I slept in till 8:15am.  It was great, even though that meant we missed the opening prayer and song... It was nice to get some good sleep.
2.  Bobby was so cute at church today.  Everyone liked hearing him "sing" during sacrament meeting and relief society and we didn't have to take him out of Sunday school class.  I think it's because he took a cat nap in the car on the way to church.
3.  We had a lazy afternoon in our pajamas.
4.  Bobby cuddled with me for a little while after his afternoon nap and Scott cuddled with me after falling asleep before dinner.  I love cuddling with my boys and usually they're too busy to sit with me, so it was really nice.
5.  I got to chat with my family today.  It's so fun to see and hear them.  I'm excited to see my parents on Thursday.  Matt also made dinner while I was on the chat, so it was nice to not worry about that.  I did make the rice and chop the peppers before it started, so I don't feel too guilty.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

22 September 2012

1.  Scotty let me take a nap once Bobby went back to sleep at 8:15am.  Sleep is sweet.
2.  We took the boys to "Touch a Truck" at a local church.  They had fire engines, rental cars, a garbage truck, police cars, a tractor, and diggers.  Bobby loved it.  We got pictures of him in almost every vehicle.  He cried every time his turn was over.  Scott just wanted to play at the park, but he had a good time.
3.  I got to take a nap during Bobby's afternoon nap.  Sleep is sweet.
4.  We got burgers for dinner from Five Guys.  It was yummy.  And no dishes!
5.  Matt and I watched White Collar tonight.  It's been a while since we sat together on the couch, so it was nice.

Friday, September 21, 2012

21 September 2012

1.  I got to sleep in, as usual.  It is a blessing every morning when Matt gets up with the kids regardless of what time he went to bed.  I feel a little guilty because Bobby doesn't wake up at night anymore so I should probably should be sharing the responsibility more, but the kids really expect Daddy in the morning now.
2.  Scotty and I played with some pull-back cars for quite a while today and it was really fun.
3.  There was a lot of laundry to do this week, but I got it done and put away.
4.  Matt came home at 5pm from work and played with the boys until bedtime so I got the time I needed to finish the dishes and the last of the laundry and 10 minutes resting in bed.
5.  We worked out again.  We've been doing it for three weeks now.  I'm so proud of us!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

20 September 2012

1.  I have been kind of lax about the cleaning on my sticker chart, and amazingly the house is still clean.  I think I have actually changed.  I'm much more likely to spend a few minutes here and there picking things up or wiping up messes or counters, or whatever, so there is less to do on a regular basis.  I think it might be time to make some adjustments to my sticker chart...
2.  We went to the park again today and the weather was great and we had a good time.  We were outside for about 90 minutes, which is longer than I expected, and still fun.  We drove home with the windows down.
3.  I chatted with Nancy today for a while and it was fun to catch up.  I really feel so blessed to have her in my life.
4.  Scott requested macaroni and cheese for dinner and he ate it!
5.  Matt came home earlier than expected again today so I was able to get the dishes done while he played with the kids.  Yay!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

19 September 2012

1.  Bobby took a nap before we had to go visiting teaching, so he was in good spirits.
2.  We went to a fun park in Jana's neighborhood and my boys weren't begging for my attention the whole time, so I was able to take part in the visiting teaching discussion, which is rare.
3.  Ty actually played with Scott today, which was such a relief for me.  Scott talks about Ty all of the time, and until today I really didn't feel like Ty liked him at all, but they played well together today, which was nice to see.
4.  I made spaghetti with chicken in the sauce for dinner.  The boys both ate it really well and it wasn't a big deal at all that Matt wasn't home to eat with us.  I also made some pan-fried squash and it was yummy.
5.  Scott "said the prayer" over dinner, meaning that he repeated what I said.  When I said, "Bless Daddy to be safe and to come home soon," instead of repeating me he said, "yes."  It was cute.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

18 September 2012

1.  I stayed in my pajamas all day.
2.  The kitchen is clean.
3.  I got to watch some TV during Bobby's nap, more specifically the Bones season premiere and that was fun.
4.  I made mac and cheese for lunch NOT from a box, but with cheese, milk, and butter and Scotty ate it!
5.  Bedtime went very smoothly tonight.  Every night Scott wants to "chase daddy jamas" and "the yite" which means he wants Matt to chase him up and down the halls while carrying Matt's pjs.  Then he wants to threaten to turn the light off in the front room so Matt will hurry and pick him up to prevent him from doing so.  Sometimes these games take forever, so during dinner I said we should do each game for 3 minutes.  So, we did that and the kids were in bed before 8 and Matt and I were done working out before 9.  Go us!

Monday, September 17, 2012

17 September 2012

1.  Bobby stayed happily in bed until after 8, which means I got to, too.
2.  We went to the airport park in the rain today.  It was really fun.
3.  I was thinking all day about not cleaning and taking some time off from my sticker chart, but I rallied and picked up the basement, vacuumed the living room, family room, and stairs, and trimmed the pieces of carpet that were sticking up.  Tomorrow I plan to tackle the kitchen.
4.  Matt came home around 6 today and put together dinner for all of us.  It was nice after cleaning to have him take care of dinner.
5.  We did the fit test for Insanity today and we improved from two weeks ago.  It's also the shortest workout, which is really nice.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

16 September 2012

1. I straightened my hair for the first time in many months and I felt pretty.
2. We got to church on time and I even remembered water, diapers, wipes, and snacks. Gooooo Mommy!
3. Bobby wasn't doing very well sitting still in Sunday School so I went to the Primary Room and had a fun chat with Kelley and the Stake Primary leaders.
4. I successfully made hash without undercooking the potatoes and without burning anything. Yay, me! And I did it while chatting with Glenn so that was an added bonus.
5. We got the kids in bed before 8pm with no tears. I have good boys. Not sure I deserve such good boys.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

15 September 2012

1.  For Matt's Birthday, I made a big cookie cake and "frosted" it with Nutella and M&Ms.  I'm excited to have some tonight and tomorrow and the next day...
2.  Mary came to watch the kids and they both were really excited and not worried at all about us leaving.  It is so nice to have good babysitters.
3.  Scotty went to the bathroom while Mary was here and it was no big deal!  Yay, Scotty!
4.  Matt and I went to see The Bourne Legacy at Cinebistro.  It was a 3:30 showing so we had an early dinner, which made the workout better.
5.  We worked out tonight and I liked it.  It was the first time doing "cardio abs" and I was dreading it, but I think it's my favorite one so far.

Friday, September 14, 2012

14 September 2012

1.  Matt took the trash out, so I didn't have to! Yay!
2.  Scott ate a bowl of cereal this morning, so I had some company for breakfast.
3.  I got the laundry done before Matt got home from work.
4.  We had dinner with Matt's work and I got to order a special meal because I couldn't eat almost everything they ordered.  I had salmon, brown rice, squash and zucchini.  Yum.
5.  The boys went to bed easily.  I was just saying to Matt how nice it is that our kids go to bed now.  Bobby was such a difficult sleeper for so long that it is such a blessing to have him sleep through the night.
p.s.  On our way to dinner Matt revealed that he pretty much knew what he was getting for his birthday, so I let him get his presents tonight and he loved it.  He got all of the books in the Wheel of Time series that he was missing, and he put them all on the shelf already.  It was pretty cute.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

13 September 2012

1.  The boys got to spend some time with Brian this morning and it was very comfortable and low-key.  Brian played golf with Scott and actually chipped a ball over the ottoman and made a hole-in-one.  It was pretty amazing and funny.
2.  Bobby giggled when I put him down for his nap.  I love it when he does that because I know he really wants to take a nap.
3.  Scott ate a lot today.  I gave him some pickles as a snack and he ate 4 or 5 and then I brought down a banana and he ate a few bites, and then he ate some broccoli with lunch and ate some dinner!  So, I think I need to start offering more small snacks.
4.  Brian and I went to a book store I've been meaning to go to--and who better to go with?  He got a book and two Trains magazines for Scotty.  He was pretty excited.  The boys were really good at the bookstore, too.  Scotty kept pointing things out.  They had cats in the store and he loved that and he saw a big wooden boat they had in a display case.  All of the workers were really nice to him, too.
5.  I made dinner two days in a row!  We had sweet and sour chicken tonight and I think it turned out well.  And now I'm done making dinner till Sunday probably.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

12 September 2012

1.  I have to talk about the weather again.  We went to the park this morning at 9am and it was gorgeous.  It feels really good to be outside in the morning.  I even drove around with the windows down.  Bobby loved it.
2.  The boys and I went to Kroger and they were great.  Scott and Bobby charm everyone they meet.  Scotty says, Hi and then Bobby waves.  I got a lot of vegetables and stuff to make beef enchiladas and sweet and sour chicken.
3.  Scott said, "Bless you" after I sneezed.  I was sitting at the computer and he was on the couch watching the iPad.  It was just cute that he heard me and looked up to say it.
4.  I made dinner for the first time in what seems like ages.  I took a really long time to do it--I started the sauce at around 3 and I didn't get it all in the oven till 4:40.  And then I got the kids in the tub and we went to...
5.  Pick up Brian at the airport.  So Brian is here right now and that is so fun.  Scott gave him a hug before he went to bed, which was cute.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

11 September 2012

1.  Bobby went down easily for two naps today.
2.  The weather was nice again so I took the boys to the park.  It was fun to watch them explore.
3.  Scotty and I had fun eating chips and hummus and watching Thomas during Bobby's second nap.  He is talking so much now and his sentences are becoming more complex.  It is because more and more fun to hear him chat with me.  When I came down with the chips he had a chip and then casually asked, "Where's Bobby?" and it was just cute somehow, the way he said it and the concern for his brother, I guess.  He's a good kid.
4.  I went to counseling and Jean watched the kids.  They were so excited to see her and had no anxiety when I left.  I love Jean!
5.  Bobby started crying during our workout, so when it was over I went up and rocked him to sleep.  He doesn't always allow me to hold him, so it is actually really nice when I get to snuggle with him and have him fall asleep in my arms.  He's a cutie.

Monday, September 10, 2012

10 September 2012

1.  The weather was absolutely amazing this morning during our walk with Jean.  It was about 68 degrees and no noticeable humidity.  I really hope it stays like this for a while.
2.  Bobby went down very easily for his morning nap and even took an afternoon nap, too.  I think he's a little sick because he's been coughing while he sleeps.  Poor Bobby.
3.  Scott kept saying, "Poor Bobby!"  It was so cute!
4.  We went to Subway for dinner.  I feel like not making a meal is a little too awesome for me.  I really need to get back into planning meals and making dinner, but I was really craving a fresh salad and Subway was perfect.
5.  The kids went down really well for bed, and I don't feel like it was because they were exhausted.  They were just in good spirits, which is so nice.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

9 September 2012

1. Day off from INSANITY workout. Wahoo!! We did do it for 6 straight days. Go us! Only 9 more weeks to go...
2. I didn't get out of bed until 8:07 and we still made it to 9am church 10 minutes early. Yay!
3. Scott and Bobby were so cute when they saw Mary sitting a couple of rows behind us. They pointed and waved. I'm so blessed to have such a great visiting teacher!
4. I got to do a Google hangout with my family today and that was really fun.
5. Matt made dinner while I chatted and it was very yummy: spaghetti, grilled chicken, and green beans with bacon. Bobby and Scott ate their pasta and chicken very well.

8 September 2012

1. I had a sweet moment this morning sitting with Scotty on my left and Bobby on my right as we watched Cars 2 at 6:30am. I felt a lot of love from and for them.
2. Matt was home all day and didn't work from home either.
3. My time management was really good today. I got my indexing done and cookies made and kids bathed and in bed at a good time.
4. Dena and Dawn came over for a movie night and it was really fun and they appreciated all of the refreshments: hummus and chips, no-bake cookies and lemonade made with real sugar. I felt like a great hostess!
5. Played some WoW with Matt and it was really fun. I made some new armor for myself and now I really like how my character looks.

Friday, September 7, 2012

7 September 2012

1.  Scotty let me lay down in my bed for a little while during Bobby's nap.
2.  I got all of the laundry done and put away by 4pm.
3.  Matt came home at 5:30pm which is glorious!
4.  We went out for dinner at Jason's Deli.  It was supposed to be date night, but since Matt worked so much this week (over 70 hours) I wanted the boys to come with us so they could spend time with him.  They did pretty well.  They charmed the other guests with their antics.  I have cute boys.
5.  Watching Bobby eat an ice cream cone was super cute.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

6 September 2012

1.  We walked with Jean today for the first time this week, so that was fun.
2.  I talked to my mom and Matt's mom this morning about various things and it was nice to catch up.
3.  We had hummus, chips, cheese, ham, and grapes for lunch.  It was very calm the whole time and I was able to get the dishes done before Bobby was begging to get out of his chair.
4.  I got to the point this week that all of the rooms were picked up(ish) and vacuumed, so I did some deep cleaning in the fridge.  It looks beautiful!
5.  Matt was home in time for bedtime and I got to listen to him run around with the boys before they went to sleep, which is something we missed out on for the last two nights because he was working.  I feel like Scott and Bobby went to bed much more settled than they did while daddy was working.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

5 September 2012

1.  Maurine sent some Curious George shirts for the boys and they got to wear them today for the first time.  I took some good pictures of them on my phone outside.
2.  We went to Costco for samples and lunch, as well as some groceries.  But the main idea was getting the kids to eat in a fun way and it worked.  Bobby had some yogurt and applesauce and Scott tried bacon, artichoke dip and hummus.  Scott kept asking for, "more food" which is rare for him.  We had a hot dog, too, and opened the veggie straws before we went home.
3.  Matt made dinner, so I didn't have to make any meals today.  Wahoo!
4.  The boys took a bath tonight and they smell wonderful.
5.  I survived another day of INSANITY workouts.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

4 September 2012

1.  We played at a park even though it was wet and there was a constant mist.  I had the boys' swim stuff in the car and Bobby loved slipping down the slides.
2.  Bobby took a good nap and transferred beautifully from the car to his crib.  Such a relief.
3.  I got to talk to Alainna today!  It always seems to take a lot of phone calls before we connect, but when we do it's so nice to hear her voice and have a good chat.
4.  The kids liked dinner tonight--yellow rice with chicken.  Bobby even fed himself with a spoon.  He's growing up so fast.
5.  Matt and I worked out again tonight making a 2-day streak and we were done by 9pm.  By that time last night we hadn't started yet.

Monday, September 3, 2012

3 September 2012

1.  I got to sleep in.  I went to bed at 10:30 and I was super crabby and when I got out of bed around 9:30, I hardly recognized myself because my dark circles were gone.  Amazing what a good night's sleep can do!
2.  We got a table at IKEA and a little play toolbelt for Bobby's Halloween costume.
3.  Scotty was so good that when we went to Target we bought him some Cars 2 cars.  So now we have all of the racecars!  He was so cute in the store.  He was laughing!
4.  The kids were in bed before 7:45pm with no crying.
5.  Matt and I are starting our workout again tonight.  Wish us luck!  We're going to be so much better looking in 60 days.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

2 September 2012

1.  I made it to church on time by myself! and remembered to pay tithing.
2.  Babette took care of Bobby for me for the last few minutes of Sacrament Meeting, which was such a relief, and made it possible for me to take Scott to the bathroom without him.
3.  Scott and Bobby went to nursery today so I could substitute teach a class in primary.  I love singing time, so it's always fun to go to primary.
4.  I thawed the donut holes I got a few days ago in the mail and they're yummy.  The boys like them, too.
5.  Matt made it home from work in time for bedtime with the boys.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

1 September 2012

1.  Matt got all of the yard work done--he even sprayed the back deck and front porch!  The kids loved watching him through the windows.
2.  Bobby took two naps.  I think he's getting his canines so he's been cranky because he's in pain.  Poor thing.
3.  Scotty was so sweet this afternoon during Bobby's nap.  He watched his shows and told us all about them.  He laid down with his blanket and we turned the light off so we could pretend to take a nap, too.  He says a lot of funny things because he watches TV, like "Hooray!" and "Phew!" and "Oh boy!"  So cute!!
4.  We had Mellow Mushroom pizza for dinner :)
5.  We took some pictures of the boys in their PJs before bed and Matt got them laughing so hard.  We love our boys!!

31 August 2012

1.  It was Friday.
2.  I got all of the laundry done!
3.  I get the day off from cleaning on laundry day.
4.  Matt and I played some more WoW and it was really fun.
5.  I got to eat some Chick-fil-A waffle fries.  Mmm.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

30 August 2012

1.  Matt and I stayed up till 1am playing World of Warcraft.  It was my first time playing and it was really fun!  I have had a hard time with Matt playing his video games so much sometimes, but I decided maybe it would be fun to play together and it was!  So, I'm sure we'll be doing it more.
2.  I was able to take a shower today while both kids were awake!  They did fine to my complete surprise.
3.  Scotty let me take a 20-minute nap while Bobby was sleeping.
4.  Scotty ate a great dinner: a cup of tomato soup and almost three quesadillas!  I was in shock.
5.  Bobby went to bed without fussing at all and both boys were in bed before 8!!! Glorious!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

29 August 2012

1.  Bobby has been taking his sweet time lately going down for a nap, but today he went down so well!  I didn't have to go back in his room at all after I put him down.  So nice!
2.  I talked to my mom today on the phone, which is always fun to catch up.
3.  I cleaned the boys' bedroom today and that made bedtime so much more pleasant!  I even dusted their closet shutters.
4.  Matt's work had a going away party for Scott and Maggie, so I didn't have to make dinner (or clean up after)!
5.  My gluten-free food came in the mail today so I'm excited to try some tomorrow or maybe even later tonight :)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

28 August 2012

1.  Jean went walking with us this morning, which is always more fun than walking alone (with the kids).
2.  I got all of my stickers on my sticker chart today, and Scott helped put them on.
3.  My house looks a lot better than it did two days ago because I have done a lot of picking up and vacuuming.
4.  Scott ate a great dinner.  He said, "Mmm, tasty!" several times which always makes me feel good.
5.  Matt came home after we had had dinner, but I got to make him dinner anyway, which makes me feel like a good wife.  Also, it was a grilled cheese sandwich and I didn't burn it.