Sunday, December 23, 2012

23 December 2012

1. Nineteen years ago today, I was baptized as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I was also confirmed by my grandfather. It was a special night to be surrounded by my family and a lot of other wonderful people. I'm so grateful to have been given the knowledge of the Gospel and to have always had the Priesthood in my life so that I could perform those ordinances necessary for exaltation.
2. I slept in till 8:07am and we still made it to church 5 minutes early.
3. Kelley gave a great talk about Jesus as our brother and as a Son and I actually got to hear most of it. So good.
4. We had salmon, squash, rice, and green grapes for dinner. It was so yummy! While we were eating I said, "Is there any way to watch Bishop's Wife tonight?" And I found out it was on TV at 8! Amazing!
5. The whole family watched Polar Express tonight. Bobby was totally enthralled for most of it and Scott was loving everything about it, too. He loved the train and all of the crazy roller-coaster scenes. One was like a slide and I asked him if he would to go down a slide like that and he said, "Yeah...but not today."

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