Sunday, December 30, 2012

30 December 2012

1.  I had a very relaxing day at home. I didn't shower till after the kids were in bed and I was in pajamas all day. Sometimes it's nice to have days like that.
2.  Scott, Matt and I played some games today. Sometimes it can get frustrating to play with Scott just because he's kind of young and easily distracted, but it was really fun with Matt there because we could laugh about it together instead of being irritated.
3.  Bobby has gotten so good about going to bed and down for naps. I ask him if it's time to lay down and he says, "Ah!" meaning yes, and then he waves, "Bah-bah" to me as I leave the room. So much nicer than him crying for several minutes before falling to sleep. I'm so glad he can enjoy sleeping more.
4.  Bobby has been really snuggly with me for the past couple of days because he's feeling crummy.  It's not a good thing that he's sick, but it is nice to feel loved and needed. He's a sweet boy and I love him.
5.  Scott is so cute with all of the things he needs at bedtime now. He has a big stuffed seal, Buzz, a monkey, his blanket, and now the boppy pillow, which is his "nest." He is so cute! I love him.

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