Sunday, October 21, 2012

21 October 2012

1.  Bobby sat with Mary for almost all of sacrament meeting and was really quiet.
2.  Scott read a book about Jesus during the first part of the sacrament and stayed quiet for that part.
3.  Scott successfully told his nursery teacher that he had to go potty and went to the bathroom at church without any issues.  I'm pretty sure that means he's officially potty-trained.
4.  Bedtime was exceedingly easy tonight.  Scott was super tired and basically put himself to bed at 7.  Bobby wandered around while we read scriptures and then I sang him a few songs and I put him in his crib.  I was out of their room by 7:30pm.  Pretty darn amazing.
5.  Matt and I have been working together to make a yellow hat and brown boot covers for Scott's Halloween costume and it has been really fun for me.  We're hoping to finish the hat tomorrow.  Then I just have to dye a shirt and pants yellow... we'll see how that works out.

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