Tuesday, October 30, 2012

30 October 2012

1.  Matt woke up with the kids at 5:30am and let me sleep until 7:40, when he had to get ready for work.
2.  Matt took the trash out!!! I love it when I don't have to worry about getting it out quickly after he leaves for work.  I've missed it a few times, and that is not a fun feeling.
3.  Bobby took a morning nap and that meant I had time to finish the laundry I started on Friday.
4.  We met up with Alainna, Candice, and kids at McDonald's for lunch.  Bobby ate 4 chicken nuggets.  I was in shock.  I think he must be going through a grow spurt.
5.  Scotty took a long nap after we got home and even though that made me worry about bedtime, it was really nice to have some "alone" time this afternoon.  I say "alone" because he was asleep right next to be on the couch.  He's so cute!

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