Wednesday, September 12, 2012

12 September 2012

1.  I have to talk about the weather again.  We went to the park this morning at 9am and it was gorgeous.  It feels really good to be outside in the morning.  I even drove around with the windows down.  Bobby loved it.
2.  The boys and I went to Kroger and they were great.  Scott and Bobby charm everyone they meet.  Scotty says, Hi and then Bobby waves.  I got a lot of vegetables and stuff to make beef enchiladas and sweet and sour chicken.
3.  Scott said, "Bless you" after I sneezed.  I was sitting at the computer and he was on the couch watching the iPad.  It was just cute that he heard me and looked up to say it.
4.  I made dinner for the first time in what seems like ages.  I took a really long time to do it--I started the sauce at around 3 and I didn't get it all in the oven till 4:40.  And then I got the kids in the tub and we went to...
5.  Pick up Brian at the airport.  So Brian is here right now and that is so fun.  Scott gave him a hug before he went to bed, which was cute.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad the weather is getting better. And I'm jealous you get to spend time with a family member. Say hi to Brian for me.
    You'll have to tell me how the sweet and sour turns out for you.
