Wednesday, September 19, 2012

19 September 2012

1.  Bobby took a nap before we had to go visiting teaching, so he was in good spirits.
2.  We went to a fun park in Jana's neighborhood and my boys weren't begging for my attention the whole time, so I was able to take part in the visiting teaching discussion, which is rare.
3.  Ty actually played with Scott today, which was such a relief for me.  Scott talks about Ty all of the time, and until today I really didn't feel like Ty liked him at all, but they played well together today, which was nice to see.
4.  I made spaghetti with chicken in the sauce for dinner.  The boys both ate it really well and it wasn't a big deal at all that Matt wasn't home to eat with us.  I also made some pan-fried squash and it was yummy.
5.  Scott "said the prayer" over dinner, meaning that he repeated what I said.  When I said, "Bless Daddy to be safe and to come home soon," instead of repeating me he said, "yes."  It was cute.

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