Friday, November 9, 2012

9 November 2012

1.  Bobby didn't wake up at all last night and slept till 6:30am.  That's really great compared to the past few days...
2.  All of my laundry is clean again!
3.  Scotty is getting really interested in the alphabet lately.  He watched a bunch of SuperWhy videos of the alphabet and he was trying to sing along and dance.  It was really cute.
4.  Scott and Bobby are getting better and better at playing together.  Bobby will push Scott on the tricycle and that keeps them from feeling like they have to take turns, so there's no bickering.  Scott can't really pedal yet, so he actually needs the push from Bobby.  And, Bobby is learning to push trains along the track instead of just tearing up the track all the time.  It's so nice.
5.  Jean came over to keep me company this afternoon.  It was nice to have a visitor with Matt being out of town.  It broke up the day a little.

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