Sunday, September 30, 2012

30 September 2012

1.  The boys were pretty good during sacrament meeting.  We didn't have to take anyone out of the chapel, which is pretty amazing.
2.  After Scotty got each of his cars, he did a little review, starting with, "Hey, YouTubers..." which was pretty funny to hear and watch.  He wanted to keep putting his cars back in their packaging so he could open it again during his review.
3.  We made cookies and they're very yummy.
4.  Putting the kids to bed was pretty easy tonight.
5.  I'm watching The Ten Commandments with my parents.  Just like old times.

29 September 2012

1. Scott loves the Thomas puzzles we got for him. And he can do them with minimal help! It's so fun to watch him figure it out.
2. Bobby took a 4-hour nap and woke up so happy.
3. We went to Yoforia for frozen yogurt.
4. Nancy got some color changing monster trucks for Scott and he LOVES them.
5. I went to the RS broadcast with my mom.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

28 September 2012

1.  I rented a Sienna and really enjoyed driving it for the day.  And Scott loved it, too.
2.  We had a fun visit in Jonesboro, GA seeing all things Gone With The Wind.
3.  I used a Groupon for the bus tour and saved us $35.
4.  Scott and Bobby were really good while we were in Jonesboro.  Scott even fell asleep on the way home.
5.  Jean came over to watch the kids so Mom, Dad, Matt, and I could go to a movie and get some frozen yogurt.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

27 September 2012

1.  We're going to be busy tomorrow, so I thought ahead and did the laundry today!  Go me!
2.  My parents start their visit today!
3.  Dad liked the tacos we made.
4.  Scotty keeps referring to Dad as, "that guy."  Maybe he'll start calling him, "Grandpa" before he leaves.
5.  Scott put himself to sleep tonight.  He took his milk to his bed and I tucked him in around 7:20pm and he fell asleep with the sippy cup in his mouth and the light on.  I think Bobby has been waking him up early or something.  Poor kid was tired!

26 September 2012

1.  I woke up with the kids so that Matt could sleep in.  Scotty let me take a long nap while Bobby took his morning nap.  It was pretty much amazing.
2.  We went to Costco for lunch and to have the coupons applied to an old receipt so I saved $21!
3.  Scotty wanted to go to the park, so we went on the way home from Costco with ice cream and lemonade.  We stayed for 2 hours or more and had a great time.  We left because Scott wanted water and I didn't have any.  So there was no crying when we left.  Yay!
4.  Bobby took an afternoon nap and woke up around 5:30pm, which was right after I finished eating dinner, so that was perfect.
5.  We organized all of the presents we got for Scott to decide when we want to give him each gift.  I'm getting pretty excited to see what he thinks!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

25 September 2012

This post actually has to begin with a bad thing because it is the root of almost all of the good things that will follow:  Matt is sick with a cough, chest pain, and a bad headache.  So, he stayed home from work.
1.  I slept in until I woke up at 9:30am.
2.  I went to Wal-Mart by myself for about 90 minutes and got a few more presents for Scott and some work clothes for Matt that I've been meaning to do for a long time, but didn't want to do when the kids were with me.
3.  Bobby got to take his nap while Scotty and I went to Jean's house to get our hair cut.  Another thing I've been meaning to do for a long time.
4.  We had tacos for dinner and they were really yummy.  I wanted to get tomatoes at the store, but there was pico de gallo right next to the shredded lettuce so I got that instead and it was delicious with the tacos.
5.  Matt did some of the workout but had to stop because his head was throbbing, but I was really proud of myself for persevering all by myself!  Go me!

Monday, September 24, 2012

24 September 2012

1.  I went to bed at 10:30pm last night, so when Bobby woke up at 4am, I wasn't mad and I was able to get him back to sleep and myself back in bed in about 5 minutes.  It's amazing how smoothly things go when I can keep my cool.
2.  I remembered to put our Netflix movie in the mail!
3.  Mom and Dad are coming this weekend so I washed the bathroom rugs and shower curtain, and wiped down the counters.  Looks good.
4.  The boys and I spent some time outside with Jean.  The weather was perfect and the boys loved it.  Bobby made some of the cutest faces as he played in the dirt.  And Scott didn't hurt himself!  That's big news.
5.  Matt and I really didn't want to work out, but we did it.  Only five more workouts until our recovery week.  We can do it!!!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

23 September 2012

1.  I slept in till 8:15am.  It was great, even though that meant we missed the opening prayer and song... It was nice to get some good sleep.
2.  Bobby was so cute at church today.  Everyone liked hearing him "sing" during sacrament meeting and relief society and we didn't have to take him out of Sunday school class.  I think it's because he took a cat nap in the car on the way to church.
3.  We had a lazy afternoon in our pajamas.
4.  Bobby cuddled with me for a little while after his afternoon nap and Scott cuddled with me after falling asleep before dinner.  I love cuddling with my boys and usually they're too busy to sit with me, so it was really nice.
5.  I got to chat with my family today.  It's so fun to see and hear them.  I'm excited to see my parents on Thursday.  Matt also made dinner while I was on the chat, so it was nice to not worry about that.  I did make the rice and chop the peppers before it started, so I don't feel too guilty.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

22 September 2012

1.  Scotty let me take a nap once Bobby went back to sleep at 8:15am.  Sleep is sweet.
2.  We took the boys to "Touch a Truck" at a local church.  They had fire engines, rental cars, a garbage truck, police cars, a tractor, and diggers.  Bobby loved it.  We got pictures of him in almost every vehicle.  He cried every time his turn was over.  Scott just wanted to play at the park, but he had a good time.
3.  I got to take a nap during Bobby's afternoon nap.  Sleep is sweet.
4.  We got burgers for dinner from Five Guys.  It was yummy.  And no dishes!
5.  Matt and I watched White Collar tonight.  It's been a while since we sat together on the couch, so it was nice.

Friday, September 21, 2012

21 September 2012

1.  I got to sleep in, as usual.  It is a blessing every morning when Matt gets up with the kids regardless of what time he went to bed.  I feel a little guilty because Bobby doesn't wake up at night anymore so I should probably should be sharing the responsibility more, but the kids really expect Daddy in the morning now.
2.  Scotty and I played with some pull-back cars for quite a while today and it was really fun.
3.  There was a lot of laundry to do this week, but I got it done and put away.
4.  Matt came home at 5pm from work and played with the boys until bedtime so I got the time I needed to finish the dishes and the last of the laundry and 10 minutes resting in bed.
5.  We worked out again.  We've been doing it for three weeks now.  I'm so proud of us!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

20 September 2012

1.  I have been kind of lax about the cleaning on my sticker chart, and amazingly the house is still clean.  I think I have actually changed.  I'm much more likely to spend a few minutes here and there picking things up or wiping up messes or counters, or whatever, so there is less to do on a regular basis.  I think it might be time to make some adjustments to my sticker chart...
2.  We went to the park again today and the weather was great and we had a good time.  We were outside for about 90 minutes, which is longer than I expected, and still fun.  We drove home with the windows down.
3.  I chatted with Nancy today for a while and it was fun to catch up.  I really feel so blessed to have her in my life.
4.  Scott requested macaroni and cheese for dinner and he ate it!
5.  Matt came home earlier than expected again today so I was able to get the dishes done while he played with the kids.  Yay!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

19 September 2012

1.  Bobby took a nap before we had to go visiting teaching, so he was in good spirits.
2.  We went to a fun park in Jana's neighborhood and my boys weren't begging for my attention the whole time, so I was able to take part in the visiting teaching discussion, which is rare.
3.  Ty actually played with Scott today, which was such a relief for me.  Scott talks about Ty all of the time, and until today I really didn't feel like Ty liked him at all, but they played well together today, which was nice to see.
4.  I made spaghetti with chicken in the sauce for dinner.  The boys both ate it really well and it wasn't a big deal at all that Matt wasn't home to eat with us.  I also made some pan-fried squash and it was yummy.
5.  Scott "said the prayer" over dinner, meaning that he repeated what I said.  When I said, "Bless Daddy to be safe and to come home soon," instead of repeating me he said, "yes."  It was cute.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

18 September 2012

1.  I stayed in my pajamas all day.
2.  The kitchen is clean.
3.  I got to watch some TV during Bobby's nap, more specifically the Bones season premiere and that was fun.
4.  I made mac and cheese for lunch NOT from a box, but with cheese, milk, and butter and Scotty ate it!
5.  Bedtime went very smoothly tonight.  Every night Scott wants to "chase daddy jamas" and "the yite" which means he wants Matt to chase him up and down the halls while carrying Matt's pjs.  Then he wants to threaten to turn the light off in the front room so Matt will hurry and pick him up to prevent him from doing so.  Sometimes these games take forever, so during dinner I said we should do each game for 3 minutes.  So, we did that and the kids were in bed before 8 and Matt and I were done working out before 9.  Go us!

Monday, September 17, 2012

17 September 2012

1.  Bobby stayed happily in bed until after 8, which means I got to, too.
2.  We went to the airport park in the rain today.  It was really fun.
3.  I was thinking all day about not cleaning and taking some time off from my sticker chart, but I rallied and picked up the basement, vacuumed the living room, family room, and stairs, and trimmed the pieces of carpet that were sticking up.  Tomorrow I plan to tackle the kitchen.
4.  Matt came home around 6 today and put together dinner for all of us.  It was nice after cleaning to have him take care of dinner.
5.  We did the fit test for Insanity today and we improved from two weeks ago.  It's also the shortest workout, which is really nice.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

16 September 2012

1. I straightened my hair for the first time in many months and I felt pretty.
2. We got to church on time and I even remembered water, diapers, wipes, and snacks. Gooooo Mommy!
3. Bobby wasn't doing very well sitting still in Sunday School so I went to the Primary Room and had a fun chat with Kelley and the Stake Primary leaders.
4. I successfully made hash without undercooking the potatoes and without burning anything. Yay, me! And I did it while chatting with Glenn so that was an added bonus.
5. We got the kids in bed before 8pm with no tears. I have good boys. Not sure I deserve such good boys.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

15 September 2012

1.  For Matt's Birthday, I made a big cookie cake and "frosted" it with Nutella and M&Ms.  I'm excited to have some tonight and tomorrow and the next day...
2.  Mary came to watch the kids and they both were really excited and not worried at all about us leaving.  It is so nice to have good babysitters.
3.  Scotty went to the bathroom while Mary was here and it was no big deal!  Yay, Scotty!
4.  Matt and I went to see The Bourne Legacy at Cinebistro.  It was a 3:30 showing so we had an early dinner, which made the workout better.
5.  We worked out tonight and I liked it.  It was the first time doing "cardio abs" and I was dreading it, but I think it's my favorite one so far.

Friday, September 14, 2012

14 September 2012

1.  Matt took the trash out, so I didn't have to! Yay!
2.  Scott ate a bowl of cereal this morning, so I had some company for breakfast.
3.  I got the laundry done before Matt got home from work.
4.  We had dinner with Matt's work and I got to order a special meal because I couldn't eat almost everything they ordered.  I had salmon, brown rice, squash and zucchini.  Yum.
5.  The boys went to bed easily.  I was just saying to Matt how nice it is that our kids go to bed now.  Bobby was such a difficult sleeper for so long that it is such a blessing to have him sleep through the night.
p.s.  On our way to dinner Matt revealed that he pretty much knew what he was getting for his birthday, so I let him get his presents tonight and he loved it.  He got all of the books in the Wheel of Time series that he was missing, and he put them all on the shelf already.  It was pretty cute.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

13 September 2012

1.  The boys got to spend some time with Brian this morning and it was very comfortable and low-key.  Brian played golf with Scott and actually chipped a ball over the ottoman and made a hole-in-one.  It was pretty amazing and funny.
2.  Bobby giggled when I put him down for his nap.  I love it when he does that because I know he really wants to take a nap.
3.  Scott ate a lot today.  I gave him some pickles as a snack and he ate 4 or 5 and then I brought down a banana and he ate a few bites, and then he ate some broccoli with lunch and ate some dinner!  So, I think I need to start offering more small snacks.
4.  Brian and I went to a book store I've been meaning to go to--and who better to go with?  He got a book and two Trains magazines for Scotty.  He was pretty excited.  The boys were really good at the bookstore, too.  Scotty kept pointing things out.  They had cats in the store and he loved that and he saw a big wooden boat they had in a display case.  All of the workers were really nice to him, too.
5.  I made dinner two days in a row!  We had sweet and sour chicken tonight and I think it turned out well.  And now I'm done making dinner till Sunday probably.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

12 September 2012

1.  I have to talk about the weather again.  We went to the park this morning at 9am and it was gorgeous.  It feels really good to be outside in the morning.  I even drove around with the windows down.  Bobby loved it.
2.  The boys and I went to Kroger and they were great.  Scott and Bobby charm everyone they meet.  Scotty says, Hi and then Bobby waves.  I got a lot of vegetables and stuff to make beef enchiladas and sweet and sour chicken.
3.  Scott said, "Bless you" after I sneezed.  I was sitting at the computer and he was on the couch watching the iPad.  It was just cute that he heard me and looked up to say it.
4.  I made dinner for the first time in what seems like ages.  I took a really long time to do it--I started the sauce at around 3 and I didn't get it all in the oven till 4:40.  And then I got the kids in the tub and we went to...
5.  Pick up Brian at the airport.  So Brian is here right now and that is so fun.  Scott gave him a hug before he went to bed, which was cute.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

11 September 2012

1.  Bobby went down easily for two naps today.
2.  The weather was nice again so I took the boys to the park.  It was fun to watch them explore.
3.  Scotty and I had fun eating chips and hummus and watching Thomas during Bobby's second nap.  He is talking so much now and his sentences are becoming more complex.  It is because more and more fun to hear him chat with me.  When I came down with the chips he had a chip and then casually asked, "Where's Bobby?" and it was just cute somehow, the way he said it and the concern for his brother, I guess.  He's a good kid.
4.  I went to counseling and Jean watched the kids.  They were so excited to see her and had no anxiety when I left.  I love Jean!
5.  Bobby started crying during our workout, so when it was over I went up and rocked him to sleep.  He doesn't always allow me to hold him, so it is actually really nice when I get to snuggle with him and have him fall asleep in my arms.  He's a cutie.

Monday, September 10, 2012

10 September 2012

1.  The weather was absolutely amazing this morning during our walk with Jean.  It was about 68 degrees and no noticeable humidity.  I really hope it stays like this for a while.
2.  Bobby went down very easily for his morning nap and even took an afternoon nap, too.  I think he's a little sick because he's been coughing while he sleeps.  Poor Bobby.
3.  Scott kept saying, "Poor Bobby!"  It was so cute!
4.  We went to Subway for dinner.  I feel like not making a meal is a little too awesome for me.  I really need to get back into planning meals and making dinner, but I was really craving a fresh salad and Subway was perfect.
5.  The kids went down really well for bed, and I don't feel like it was because they were exhausted.  They were just in good spirits, which is so nice.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

9 September 2012

1. Day off from INSANITY workout. Wahoo!! We did do it for 6 straight days. Go us! Only 9 more weeks to go...
2. I didn't get out of bed until 8:07 and we still made it to 9am church 10 minutes early. Yay!
3. Scott and Bobby were so cute when they saw Mary sitting a couple of rows behind us. They pointed and waved. I'm so blessed to have such a great visiting teacher!
4. I got to do a Google hangout with my family today and that was really fun.
5. Matt made dinner while I chatted and it was very yummy: spaghetti, grilled chicken, and green beans with bacon. Bobby and Scott ate their pasta and chicken very well.

8 September 2012

1. I had a sweet moment this morning sitting with Scotty on my left and Bobby on my right as we watched Cars 2 at 6:30am. I felt a lot of love from and for them.
2. Matt was home all day and didn't work from home either.
3. My time management was really good today. I got my indexing done and cookies made and kids bathed and in bed at a good time.
4. Dena and Dawn came over for a movie night and it was really fun and they appreciated all of the refreshments: hummus and chips, no-bake cookies and lemonade made with real sugar. I felt like a great hostess!
5. Played some WoW with Matt and it was really fun. I made some new armor for myself and now I really like how my character looks.

Friday, September 7, 2012

7 September 2012

1.  Scotty let me lay down in my bed for a little while during Bobby's nap.
2.  I got all of the laundry done and put away by 4pm.
3.  Matt came home at 5:30pm which is glorious!
4.  We went out for dinner at Jason's Deli.  It was supposed to be date night, but since Matt worked so much this week (over 70 hours) I wanted the boys to come with us so they could spend time with him.  They did pretty well.  They charmed the other guests with their antics.  I have cute boys.
5.  Watching Bobby eat an ice cream cone was super cute.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

6 September 2012

1.  We walked with Jean today for the first time this week, so that was fun.
2.  I talked to my mom and Matt's mom this morning about various things and it was nice to catch up.
3.  We had hummus, chips, cheese, ham, and grapes for lunch.  It was very calm the whole time and I was able to get the dishes done before Bobby was begging to get out of his chair.
4.  I got to the point this week that all of the rooms were picked up(ish) and vacuumed, so I did some deep cleaning in the fridge.  It looks beautiful!
5.  Matt was home in time for bedtime and I got to listen to him run around with the boys before they went to sleep, which is something we missed out on for the last two nights because he was working.  I feel like Scott and Bobby went to bed much more settled than they did while daddy was working.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

5 September 2012

1.  Maurine sent some Curious George shirts for the boys and they got to wear them today for the first time.  I took some good pictures of them on my phone outside.
2.  We went to Costco for samples and lunch, as well as some groceries.  But the main idea was getting the kids to eat in a fun way and it worked.  Bobby had some yogurt and applesauce and Scott tried bacon, artichoke dip and hummus.  Scott kept asking for, "more food" which is rare for him.  We had a hot dog, too, and opened the veggie straws before we went home.
3.  Matt made dinner, so I didn't have to make any meals today.  Wahoo!
4.  The boys took a bath tonight and they smell wonderful.
5.  I survived another day of INSANITY workouts.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

4 September 2012

1.  We played at a park even though it was wet and there was a constant mist.  I had the boys' swim stuff in the car and Bobby loved slipping down the slides.
2.  Bobby took a good nap and transferred beautifully from the car to his crib.  Such a relief.
3.  I got to talk to Alainna today!  It always seems to take a lot of phone calls before we connect, but when we do it's so nice to hear her voice and have a good chat.
4.  The kids liked dinner tonight--yellow rice with chicken.  Bobby even fed himself with a spoon.  He's growing up so fast.
5.  Matt and I worked out again tonight making a 2-day streak and we were done by 9pm.  By that time last night we hadn't started yet.

Monday, September 3, 2012

3 September 2012

1.  I got to sleep in.  I went to bed at 10:30 and I was super crabby and when I got out of bed around 9:30, I hardly recognized myself because my dark circles were gone.  Amazing what a good night's sleep can do!
2.  We got a table at IKEA and a little play toolbelt for Bobby's Halloween costume.
3.  Scotty was so good that when we went to Target we bought him some Cars 2 cars.  So now we have all of the racecars!  He was so cute in the store.  He was laughing!
4.  The kids were in bed before 7:45pm with no crying.
5.  Matt and I are starting our workout again tonight.  Wish us luck!  We're going to be so much better looking in 60 days.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

2 September 2012

1.  I made it to church on time by myself! and remembered to pay tithing.
2.  Babette took care of Bobby for me for the last few minutes of Sacrament Meeting, which was such a relief, and made it possible for me to take Scott to the bathroom without him.
3.  Scott and Bobby went to nursery today so I could substitute teach a class in primary.  I love singing time, so it's always fun to go to primary.
4.  I thawed the donut holes I got a few days ago in the mail and they're yummy.  The boys like them, too.
5.  Matt made it home from work in time for bedtime with the boys.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

1 September 2012

1.  Matt got all of the yard work done--he even sprayed the back deck and front porch!  The kids loved watching him through the windows.
2.  Bobby took two naps.  I think he's getting his canines so he's been cranky because he's in pain.  Poor thing.
3.  Scotty was so sweet this afternoon during Bobby's nap.  He watched his shows and told us all about them.  He laid down with his blanket and we turned the light off so we could pretend to take a nap, too.  He says a lot of funny things because he watches TV, like "Hooray!" and "Phew!" and "Oh boy!"  So cute!!
4.  We had Mellow Mushroom pizza for dinner :)
5.  We took some pictures of the boys in their PJs before bed and Matt got them laughing so hard.  We love our boys!!

31 August 2012

1.  It was Friday.
2.  I got all of the laundry done!
3.  I get the day off from cleaning on laundry day.
4.  Matt and I played some more WoW and it was really fun.
5.  I got to eat some Chick-fil-A waffle fries.  Mmm.