Monday, December 31, 2012

31 December 2012

1.  Bobby woke up at 9pm after going to bed at 8pm.  I thought it was going to be a really long night, so I headed to bed around 10:30pm.  Well, he slept all night until 6:30am! YAY! I felt so rested, and I even got to go back to bed until 8am.
2.  Scott and I went outside during Bobby's nap today and I had fun drawing tracks with sidewalk chalk.
3.  Scott wanted to watch Arthur today. I LOVE that show. I thought it was hilarious when I watched it as a kid, so it was fun to watch it again.
4.  Matt picked up dinner for us at Wendy's. I had chili and a side salad and it was yummy.
5.  Matt took the kids after dinner and I just sat on my laptop and played games and stuff. It was so nice to have a little time to myself. Gooooooo Matt!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

30 December 2012

1.  I had a very relaxing day at home. I didn't shower till after the kids were in bed and I was in pajamas all day. Sometimes it's nice to have days like that.
2.  Scott, Matt and I played some games today. Sometimes it can get frustrating to play with Scott just because he's kind of young and easily distracted, but it was really fun with Matt there because we could laugh about it together instead of being irritated.
3.  Bobby has gotten so good about going to bed and down for naps. I ask him if it's time to lay down and he says, "Ah!" meaning yes, and then he waves, "Bah-bah" to me as I leave the room. So much nicer than him crying for several minutes before falling to sleep. I'm so glad he can enjoy sleeping more.
4.  Bobby has been really snuggly with me for the past couple of days because he's feeling crummy.  It's not a good thing that he's sick, but it is nice to feel loved and needed. He's a sweet boy and I love him.
5.  Scott is so cute with all of the things he needs at bedtime now. He has a big stuffed seal, Buzz, a monkey, his blanket, and now the boppy pillow, which is his "nest." He is so cute! I love him.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

29 December 2012

1. Bobby has been waking up at 5:30am every morning, but today I got him to go back to sleep till past 7. Yay!
2. Scott used his Christmas money to buy a big stuffed seal at Ikea and he loves it!
3. I had a lot of alone time today. I took Matt's car in to get new brakes and sat in the waiting room while they did it. I colored, listened to Pride and Prejudice, ate popcorn and drank ginger ale. It was nice to have a little break from caretaking.
4. Bobby missed me so he just hugged me from dinner till bedtime, pretty much. It's nice to feel wanted!
5. Matt and I played games and watched a movie tonight. It was fun.

28 December 2012

1. I got the trash out on time. And I got the laundry mostly done.
2. My kitchen sinks are empty! I think I've been caught up for three days in a row!
3. Scott and I played together a lot today.
4. Matt said dinner was really good. We used a seasoning on the chicken for the first time and I'm a big fan!
5. We got a recycling bin from the county a few days ago and I know it sounds geeky, but I have been having a lot of fun recycling!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

27 December 2012

1. Scotty and I sang Happy Birthday on a video for Laura. It turned out really cute. It's fun to see Scott get older and more able to follow instructions.
2. We had a quick trip to the grocery store this morning and it went really well. The boys were very well behaved and got fruit packs for a snack instead of chocolate so I was feeling like mother of the year.
3. Scott and I played CandyLand today and it was funny to see him want to win and then get disappointed if I got ahead. He is getting how the game works and needs fewer reminders now to pick a card then move his piece. It was a good afternoon activity.
4. We listened to my new Disney compilation cd in the car and it was really fun to sing along. The boys seemed to enjoy it, too. Scott even clapped after a few songs.
5. Matt and I played WoW and watched Princess Bride after the kids went to bed. It was a fun night.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

26 December 2012

1. I got to take a shower this morning before Matt left for work.
2. The boys played on their ride-ons outside on the hill for the first time this morning. It was fun to see their faces full of delight.
3. Scott played with color-changing cars a lot today, which was fun.
4. I had chocolate chip pancakes for dinner.
5. I had another ice cream cone. Yum!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

25 December 2012

1. The boys were so fun to watch as they opened presents and played with new toys. Scott kept saying, "I'm so happy."
2. Matt got me a jewelry cabinet that I really like. I was actually really needing a place to put all of the jewelry I got at my party in November. It looks nice on the dresser.
3. When Scott choked on some water, he spoke through his coughing, "It went down the wrong pipe." Matt and I laughed so hard. He's so cute.
4. We had steak for dinner. So yummy! The kids ate it really well, too.
5. It was fun to have texts and calls from family throughout the day.

Monday, December 24, 2012

24 December 2012

1. I slept in till almost 9. And Bobby only woke up once around 1 then slept till 7. Definite improvement!
2. Scott and I went to Costco to get presents for Bobby and Matt. It was pretty fun.
3. I finished folding the laundry I started on Friday! I also swept, vacuumed and did the dishes. Felt good to have a cleaner house.
4. We watched Mickey's Christmas Carol, read The Polar Express and the Christmas Story from Luke 2. It was so fun to share those Christmas traditions with the kids.
5. It's Christmas tomorrow! I'm so excited for this brand new experience of having it be just us for Christmas. I miss my parents and siblings and in-laws, but I think this will be really fun!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

23 December 2012

1. Nineteen years ago today, I was baptized as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I was also confirmed by my grandfather. It was a special night to be surrounded by my family and a lot of other wonderful people. I'm so grateful to have been given the knowledge of the Gospel and to have always had the Priesthood in my life so that I could perform those ordinances necessary for exaltation.
2. I slept in till 8:07am and we still made it to church 5 minutes early.
3. Kelley gave a great talk about Jesus as our brother and as a Son and I actually got to hear most of it. So good.
4. We had salmon, squash, rice, and green grapes for dinner. It was so yummy! While we were eating I said, "Is there any way to watch Bishop's Wife tonight?" And I found out it was on TV at 8! Amazing!
5. The whole family watched Polar Express tonight. Bobby was totally enthralled for most of it and Scott was loving everything about it, too. He loved the train and all of the crazy roller-coaster scenes. One was like a slide and I asked him if he would to go down a slide like that and he said, "Yeah...but not today."

Saturday, December 22, 2012

22 December 2012

1. We all went to Fernbank today and had a fantastic time. We rode the Santa-saurus Express, did the photo booth, played at the treehouse, got an ornament and a little present for each kid because we got 20% off in the gift shop. It was really fun!
2. I had chorizo and eggs on tortillas for lunch. So yummy. It hit the spot.
3. I took a nap. Felt so good.
4. We had lasagna for dinner and the kids ate so well! I love when they eat what's actually for dinner.
5. Matt and I wrapped all the presents tonight. It was so fun. It got me really excited for Christmas.

Friday, December 21, 2012

21 December 2012

1. Scott sang Happy Birthday to Alainna with me on a message. It was fun.
2. I made Matt's favorite Christmas cookies today. It was fun to see the surprise in his face when he saw them.
3. Matt came home early from work.
4. The boys got their hair cut today. They look so cute!
5. I had an ice cream cone tonight for the first time in 11 years. It was yummy.

20 December 2012

1. We had a really lazy day today. I spent the whole day in the house in pajamas.
2. I made a more concerted effort than usual to play with the boys so they wouldn't watch quite as much TV. We played trains and colored and had snacks.
3. The server was down for Joy Kingdom and WeTopia, so I chatted online a lot instead with Emily, Maurine, Mom, Matt, etc. It was fun.
4. The boys' ride-ons came today and they look perfect! They have sturdy wheels and I think they are going to love them! I'm getting more and more excited for Christmas.
5. Matt and I played World of Warcraft for the first time in a while and it was really fun to play again.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

19 December 2012

1. We got to the doctor EARLY for Bobby's checkup today! Amazing!
2. I chatted with Amy today on the phone and it was really fun to catch up.
3. Matt came home at 5:15 today! That's so early! What a great surprise.
4. No crying at bedtime!! Yay!
5. I had a cupcake for dessert.

18 December 2012

1. One hundred three years ago, my maternal grandfather was born. He was a good man, and I know he is doing great things for people on the other side. I hope I get a chance to know him better when I get there.
2. I had a doctor's appointment at 10:30. Before I had to leave, I got the trash out, the dishes done, I showered with both kids awake, got dressed, and got the kids dressed. I was pretty impressed with myself!
3. Jean came to watch the kids. It was nice to chat with her when I got back. She's such a great friend.
4. I bought Green Eggs and Ham and Fox in Socks today. I loved those books as a kid. I'm hoping the boys will like them too.
5. We got two ride-on toys for the boys and got free shipping. I'm excited because they look really cool (replicas of kawasaki atvs) and they are identical, so hopefully that means no fighting!

Monday, December 17, 2012

17 December 2012

1. I watched a couple of my shows today and Scott was okay with it. So nice to have a break from kid TV.
2. Bobby makes such cute faces. He's even cute when he cries. He has started throwing his hands to his face when he starts to cry. It is pitiful and adorable.
3. We had hot dogs with guacamole tonight and that got Matt talking about his mission to Chile and that was fun to hear about.
4. Scott wanted me to stay and sing to him while he fell asleep and gave me lots of hugs and kisses when it was time for me to go. He's such a sweetheart.
5. I caught up on some Ellen today and saw interviews with stars from Les Mis which is exciting.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

16 December 2012

1.  The choir sang beautifully today and now it's over!! I was the choir director just for the Christmas program and it was super nerve-racking and scary, but it went very well (thanks to a few angels, I'm sure) and now I can breathe again.  Yay! And the boys didn't cry while we performed!
2.  I received inspiration yesterday to shave my legs.  This morning I couldn't find my black opaque tights and had to wear nude nylons... so it's a good thing I had shaved!
3.  Dave texted me today to thank him for my Christmas gift--a puzzle with no notification.  He said he knew it was from me.  It was so nice to get that message.  I was hoping that would be the reaction.
4.  The kids went to bed pretty well tonight. Scott fell asleep in my arms almost. Bobby did point to his bed when he was ready to lay down, which is so much nicer than deciding myself and having him cry about it. They are both so sweet when they're sleepy.
5.  We had cupcakes tonight.  I was going to make them for the Christmas party last night but I ran out of time. More for us! I even piped on the frosting so they look cool.  The boys actually ate them this time, too. Scott had frosting AND cake! Bobby just smashed his the last time, but he ate his really well tonight.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

15 December 2012

1. Thirty years ago today my brother was born.
2. We got a new car seat for Bobby. He LOVES facing forward and it was a great deal!
3. Scott got a twin size bed today. Now we have somewhere to sit during bedtime instead of the floor. We got it from IKEA, which means I got chocolate. :)
4. The Ward Christmas party was tonight. Deviled eggs were on the menu and they were super yummy. The boys also loved the ham. I brought my lollipops from Mom as a dessert to share and it was fun to see so many kids walking around with them. It was like being at the Holly Berry Fair.
5. The kids went to bed really well. It's almost 10pm now and I'm going to bed!

14 December 2011

1. Got the trash and mail out in time and got two loads of laundry started before we went to the park.
2. Matt found his old compass and Scott thinks it's really cool, and I think he might actually know left and right (even though that shouldn't necessarily have anything to do with a compass...)!
3. I'm caught up on the dishes!
4. I got to talk with Tammi and catch up. I really hope we can be neighbors again someday.
5. Matt stayed up and watched a movie with me. It was fun.

13 December 2012

1. I downloaded a cribbage app and I've been playing all day.
2. Bobby and I went shopping today and it was fun. He likes to give me hugs from the seat in the grocery cart. It's pretty cute.
3. Scott wanted me to carry him down the stairs and said he was a monkey. Then he said, "You're my Man with the Yellow Hat!"
4. I had a fun chat with Amanda. I miss her. I feel really blessed that I know her.
5. The kids went to bed really well. I have finally figured out that if I wait till Bobby decides he is ready to lay down, it doesn't take very long and he doesn't cry!

12 December 2012

1. Matt was sent home from work for being sick so we had him home all day again!
2. The plumber came today and Bobby was fascinated by the van. He almost lost his balance looking up at the ladder on top. Hilarious!
3. We had pancakes for dinner. Yummy! The kids eat SO well when we have breakfast for dinner.
4. Matt must be working on his positivity because he was telling the bishop all about it at tithing settlement.
5. Scott sang the ABCs with me tonight.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

11 December 2012

1. I got up with Bobby this morning, but he was so enthralled with Little Einsteins that I was able to fall back to sleep.
2. Matt stayed home from work. (I know it's a negative that he is sick, but I love it when he is home because the time goes by so much quicker.)
3. Scott is so fun to watch when he is watching TV. He sings along with everything and answers questions, it's great!
4. I took the boys with me to the grocery store to give Matt a break and to buy milk. I told Scott he could get a treat. It was a fun time with my boys.
5. Bobby has been difficult at bedtime the last couple of days but we figured out that he is getting his two year molars already and is in a lot of pain so we gave him Advil today and tonight he waved to me again instead of crying when I left. Yay!

Monday, December 10, 2012

10 December 2012

1. I had one of my birthday cupcakes for breakfast.
2. The boys had a great time at the park. They are so fun to watch.
3. We can use our sink and dishwasher now. The plumber came and patched the pipe. They'll come to replace part of the pipe in a few days.
4. My birthday continued with more phone calls and mail. I heard from Brian and Nicole and I got cards from Mom and Nancy. It was fun to have my birthday last another day.
5. We made sushi for dinner and it was so yummy that I got too full to eat cake, so I know what I'm having for breakfast in the morning!

9 December 2012

1.  We got a late start this morning so we thought we were going to be late to church, but they started late so we didn't miss the sacrament! Yay!
2.  Choir practice went well.
3.  The pipe that burst was only for the kitchen so we didn't have to turn off all the water.  And, it happened when we were home so we could take care of it.
4.  Matt made cupcakes for me and decorated with peanut butter letters and candles.  It looked great and the frosting was melted and super yummy.
5.  Bobby went to bed really well and didn't cry while I sang to Scott tonight.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

8 December 2012

1. Matt got up with the kids because it's my birthday weekend, so I could sleep in till 9:15. It was so nice.
2. We all went to the "farmer's market" (which is really an international food mart), and got some fruit and veggies and the makings of sushi for tomorrow night. They also had a bunch of samples of chorizo and queso and they were scrumptious. The kids especially liked the queso dip.
3. We had Jason's Deli for lunch and that was filling and yummy and required very little effort or clean-up. My kind of meal!
4. Matt and I went to the Cirque du Soleil show today and it was awesome. The stuff these people are capable of is truly unbelievable. It was fun to be there and to get dressed up. I felt pretty.
5. Matt and I learned how to play cribbage tonight. I think it is really a cool game. Mostly luck, but it was a good game, even with just two players, which seems rare.

Friday, December 7, 2012

7 December 2012

1.  I was early again today.  Time management is definitely improving.  Also, I knew I was going to be out of the house today, so I started the laundry last night so I could still get it done.  Go me!
2.  The boys were really patient while I shopped today.  We had a fun time together at the mall, with Mary.  I'm hoping to add some pictures to this post--I got some great ones of the boys playing on a toy fire truck, motorcycle, and ice cream truck.
3.  I bought some dress pants, a top, and some shorts that were on sale.  I'm excited to wear my pants tomorrow when we go to Cirque du Soleil!
4.  We had homemade chicken nuggets for dinner tonight and they were yummy.  I used some gluten free bread crumbs I've never used before and they were weird at first, but I really like them.  I think we'll use the rest of the bag on crab cakes in a few days.
5.  Emily sent me a birthday card that came today.  It officially feels like my birthday weekend!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

6 December 2012

1. Bobby didn't wake up in the night at all. Scott only woke up once at 11pm, so it didn't disturb me. Yay!
2. It was fun to watch the boys play in our massive leaf pile today.
3. I made plans to go to Dressbarn tomorrow with Mary. Hoping to find some fun clothes!
4. Bobby went to bed with zero crying tonight. He even waved and said, "Bye." when I laid him down. I think we may have turned a corner with his sleep habits.
5. Matt and I made cookies together tonight. He and the kids have been eating Chips Ahoy and Oreo for the last week or so and my jealousy could not be contained any longer.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

5 December 2011

1. We went to the zoo and we got there early! I felt so good about my time management this morning.
2. It was fun to see the boys respond to the animals. I think Bobby was really amazed by the giraffe. Scott loved the elephants.
3. We had a pretty quiet afternoon while Bobby slept. Scott and I got some recovery time.
4. I made tacos for dinner. Turns out, tacos is one of my favorite dinners. I don't think I knew that about myself.
5. Matt came home before he had to go to Scouts. I didn't expect him until after the kids were in bed, so that was a wonderful, relieving surprise.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

4 December 2012

1. There was no line at the post office!
2. When we read "My Truck is Stuck" for the last time before returning it to the library, Scott chimed in with, "by Kevin Lewis and Daniel Kirk." He also sang the Mighty Machines theme song in the car after seeing a digger out his window. So cute.
3. I talked to Maurine for a long time on the phone today. It was fun. I feel blessed to have a sister who is also a great friend.
4. We had hot dogs, chips, and grapes for dinner. Bobby ate a whole hot dog in the time it took me to put mine together. The kid eats fast!
5. I ran on the treadmill tonight. First time exercising in a while. Go me!!

Monday, December 3, 2012

3 December 2012

1. Scott's leg is not broken and his bone is not infected. So his limp is probably temporary.
2. Bobby fell asleep in the car with a bag of Cheetos by his face. It was pretty cute.
3. Jean came over to see our tree and visit. Bobby loves her!
4. We got to sing Happy Birthday to Hayley over FaceTime. Scotty sang along and it was SO cute!
5. Bones and Castle were new tonight.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

2 December 2012

1.  We got to church on time.
2.  The Relief Society lesson was really great.
3.  I survived my first choir practice as director.
4.  I got a nap :)
5.  Scott fell asleep in my arms tonight while I sang him Christmas songs.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

1 December 2012

1. Scott slept in till almost 10am.
2. We got all of the leaves raked and into bags.
3. Matt bought some more lights up outside and they look beautiful!
4. Bobby tried to help with the leaves but he was too short and it was super cute to watch him try.
5. I watched some of the LOTR special features and now Matt and I are watching Star Wars. :)