Wednesday, January 30, 2013

30 January 2013

1.  We went to the beach for a really long time with the little ones today while Jackson and Grant were at school and Brian was at work. It was about 80 and very windy. The water was very cold but pleasant on my feet. Bobby LOVED the waves and giggled each time the water went over his feet. It was the cutest thing. Scott freaked out at first but he loved it by the end, also.
2.  Hailey's friend Mindy came over today and her kids entertained mine for quite a while and Hailey, Mindy, and I were able to visit and chat. She's really great.
3.  Scott and Bobby both ate the stroganoff that Hailey made for dinner. Hailey even fed Bobby for me while I made something for myself for dinner.
4.  It's official that I'm staying at Brian's until Saturday morning. Matt gets home Sunday night.
5.  I got to put the kids to bed at the regular time tonight because Jackson had pack meeting and the whole family went. It has NOT been a huge difficulty or anything to put the kids to bed at 9pm for the past few days, but since we were at the beach today I was glad to get them to bed sooner tonight. And now I can relax by myself and it's only 8:15pm! Yay!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

29 January 2013

1. We took the kids to preschool this morning for a lesson about the letter O. When we got back Scott told Matt that we learned about the circle letter. Cute.
2. I had frozen waffles with peanut butter and syrup for lunch--yum!--and the kids ate it, too.
3. I got to take a little nap this afternoon.
4. The boys ate a really great dinner--an entire grilled cheese sandwich between them. Scott asked for tomatoes and they both ate some olives. It was nice I didn't have to fight them much.
5. We found out Matt can extend his time between flights in Tokyo and go see some of the city. I'm so excited for him and I know he is really excited, too.

Monday, January 28, 2013

28 January 2013

1.  Hailey, Ellie, Scott, Bobby and I went to two different parks and the kids had a great time.
2.  Brian joined us for lunch at Steak N Shake.  It is really so fun to be with my brother.  It sounds sappy, but there is something about being with people who grew up in the same house with you... it's just nice.
3.  Jackson and Grant came home from school and they were both so happy to see Scott and he them.  It was cute.
4.  Bobby is so stinkin cute. I've been doing his hair everyday just by getting it wet and his curls are just so cute! He is also trying harder to communicate and I've been able to reason with him a little more and that has been so rewarding. He even sat quietly in his bed tonight while I sang to Scott. He usually cries through the whole thing even when he can wander the room, so that was extraordinary.
5.  Scott talked to Matt for several minutes before bed. He doesn't usually chat for very long but he has started asking what Matt is doing and how he is. I can tell he really misses his Daddy and I'm excited for our family to be together again in four more days.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

27 January 2013

1. I got the kids dressed really early before church so we were ready on time.
2. Brian's ward was so supportive; a lady read a book during sacrament meeting, the nursery leaders were very patient with Bobby, Hailey took care of Scott in Primary. It was nice to have so many people helping.
3. Bobby took a really long nap. He woke up just in time for dinner and was very cheerful.
4. Bobby said please! Sort of. But it's what he meant. ;) It was more like, "heesh."
5. Scott loves his cousins. He has really loved playing and laughing with them.

26 January 2013

1. Hailey and I went to a Relief Society activity and we did some dance fitness and also relaxation techniques. It was fun and Bobby did well with Brian.
2. We went to the beach! And Scott LOVED it this time. He hated it last time, so it was fun to see him be excited. Bobby loved it too and was covered in sand when we left. They loved chasing the seagulls.
3. It was fun to feel the sand between my toes and hear the waves.
4. Brian and I chatted in the car and listened to music. He's a good brother.
5. We stayed up and watched a movie and laughed aloud several times.

Friday, January 25, 2013

25 January 2013

1.  Bobby slept a lot later than he has the past couple of days.  That is a welcome relief.  I hope it's the beginning of a new trend.
2.  Hailey needed some new jeans for a party tonight, so I went shopping with her and found a couple of pairs of pants I liked, too.  One doesn't even need to be hemmed.  AND, with a book and chocolate I only spent $25.  Sweet!
3.  I got to take a long nap after Jackson and Grant came home from school. It was very nice.
4.  Matt called and texted a lot today because he is leaving for Laos today. I like to hear it in his voice that he really misses us. It will be so nice to be together again in about a week.
5.  Hailey and Brian went to their party and I put their kids to bed after having a movie night and things are going pretty smoothly so far.  (It's 9:30pm, so the night could be young...)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

24 January 2013

1.  My kids didn't wake anybody up this morning, except me, of course.
2.  I got to rest while Hailey watched my kids since I didn't get much sleep last night.
3.  Hailey made a "green smoothie" today at lunch and it was yummy. Scott also ate more than I have seen him eat at a single meal in a long time. I love it when I don't have to fight him to eat food.
4.  We went to a Groundhog Party today and that was pretty fun. Bobby had been having a hard time all day and he had such a good time at the party watching all the kids and participating a little. It was fun to see him having fun after having such a hard time.
5.  My kids went to bed really well tonight. No crying after I left the room. Now let's just hope Bobby stays asleep this time!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

23 January 2013

1.  As soon as Scott woke up he said, "Can we go to my cousins' house?"  It was cute.
2.  The boys were awesome in the car for our 7-hour journey to Brian's house.
3.  When we stopped at Chick-fil-A, the playground was a great height for Bobby to climb on so both Scott and Bobby could play together.  AND no one cried when we left.
4.  I chatted with Mom and Maurine on the phone to keep awake on the drive.
5.  I left in the morning a little before 10am and got here around 5pm.  That's awesome! We made great time!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

22 January 2013

1. I slept pretty well.
2. We went to the park and Costco.
3. Taisa came over and watched the boys while I took a nap and packed our clothes for our road trip tomorrow.
4. Dinner went smoothly.
5. We are watching Toy Story together before bedtime.

Monday, January 21, 2013

21 January 2013

1. When I woke up this morning I was blessed with the idea that although it has been fun to be a child in my parents' house for a while, my life at home taking care of my babies is much more meaningful and fulfilling.
2. I got on my flight and everything went very smoothly. Still amazing how easy it is to fly alone; I think I even dozed off.
3. Matt and I got to have a little late lunch together before he had to catch his flight. I thought we would only have time for a kiss at the curb between our flights, so that was nice.
4. The boys went to bed really well for me. I was afraid there would be a fight since they've been alone with Daddy for a few days.
5. I'm watching Downton Abbey. :) Then I'm going to bed.

20 January 2013

1. I got to go to church with my parents and siblings today. So fun to sit together in the same pew.
2. I got to talk with Tara and Autumn and I haven't seen them in a very long time, so it was nice to catch up and see their kids in person.
3. I got to hear my dad teach. It was about tender mercies and recognizing the hand of God in our lives.
4. Jamie and Roth came for dinner and it was good to see them together. I'm so happy for her that she found someone great to marry.
5. We got to visit with Chrissy and she had a couple of very funny stories to share. I encouraged her to start a blog.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

19 January 2013

1.  Mom, Dad, Emily, Maurine, Glenn and I all went to the temple together.
2.  We had pizza from a local place and it was really good!
3.  Maurine and I worked on a crossword puzzle together.
4.  We all just kind of hung out in the living room and chatted. It is so nice and comforting to be together with my family.
5.  We're going to bed before midnight tonight!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

18 January 2013

1.  I got to see Jamie today and it's been a very long time since we saw each other.
2.  We went to Union Station to take pictures of Maurine in her wedding dress.  It is a beautiful building and it was fun to participate in a photo shoot with Dad.
3.  We had tacos for dinner.
4.  We went to Orange Leaf for frozen yogurt and it was really yummy. I had mango and pineapple. The lady who works there has become friends with Mom and Dad and she was very nice.
5.  Glenn and Tessa are here now! I haven't seen them in 3 years. We stayed up chatting and coloring.

Friday, January 18, 2013

17 January 2013

1. We took the boys to McDonald's and they had a good time. Matt helped Bobby climb all the way up and he climbed around and went down the slide. It was cute to see him and Scott climbing around together.
2. I flew on an airplane with no kids.
3. My mom and sisters picked me up at the airport.
4. We had a yummy dinner at the Bristol.
5. We chatted together and ate See's.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

16 January 2013

1.  I got up with Bobby at 6am, but when Scott got up, Matt took over and I got to go back to bed for a little while.
2.  All of my visiting teaching for the month is done! We had three appointments today and one yesterday and now we're done with visits.  Yay!
3.  Bobby took a 3-hour nap today and I convinced Scott to let me have an hour of quiet time, too, which was nice.
4.  We had warmed-up pancakes with peanut butter and syrup for dinner. It was delicious.
5.  We read Big Road Race again tonight and found out Scott had about half of the book memorized.  It was super cute to hear him quote it.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

15 January 2013

1.  Brought my car in and all I needed was an oil change.  I think I'll be taking my car to them from now on.  I'm so glad to be done with the darn dealership.
2.  Matt came out to lunch with us after we picked up my car.
3.  The boys played at the restaurant and had a good time with the other kids and I chatted with a lot of the parents.
4.  I told Scott he needed to have some alone time and he stayed downstairs for about 45 minutes.  I used the time to vent to Laura.  I'm not sure I got anything figured out, but she validated my feelings and that was nice.  I don't feel alone or broken after talking to her.
5.  I put the boys to bed by myself and I was able to keep my cool the whole time. Go me!

Monday, January 14, 2013

14 January 2013

1.  I got a package off to Heidi for her birthday and the line at the post office was very minimal.  It was awesome.
2.  I got the laundry folded.
3.  I watched Downton Abbey and Project Runway All-Stars.
4.  Scott and I played Uno.  He's getting better at playing without help.
5.  I read a lot of books to the boys today.  I love reading to them.

13 January 2013

1.  We were on time for church--which has been changed to 11am. Haven't decided if that's good yet or not.
2.  Scott went to sunbeams for the first time and did well.  Bobby stayed in nursery the whole time for the first time.
3.  I really enjoyed both the Sunday School lesson and the Relief Society lesson.  I have been thinking about how to improve myself because of them.
4.  I got to take a nap.
5.  Instead of watching a show on TV, which I don't feel is really very Sunday appropriate, I listened to "Conversations" on Mormon Channel with Sheri Dew.  It was very uplifting.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

12 January 2013

1.  I slept in till 9:30. So nice!
2.  We took the boys to the toy store to spend their Christmas money from my parents. Scott bought Rex and Bobby got a shake n go Woody riding RC. Pretty great!
3.  I got some new shoes at the mall.
4.  Matt replaced the cabin air filter in my car. We have been meaning to do it for about 8 months. Finally did it.
5.  The boys went to bed really well tonight. It's the first time in a while that Bobby didn't cry after I left the room. Yahoo! Maybe he's feeling better finally. I know I am. My sinuses haven't heard nearly as much today, so I'm hopeful that I'll be feeling fine about flying on Thursday.

Friday, January 11, 2013

11 January 2013

1. Scott woke up just in time to wake me up to take a shower before Matt went to work.
2. Our pipes got fixed today!
3. I got to rest and watch some Downton Abbey today while Scott used the iPad and Bobby watched Cars. Got to love technology!
4. Matt picked up Wendy's for dinner so I didn't have to make anything and clean-up was easy. Yay!
5. I got a couple of great videos of Scott playing super heroes and singing the Blue's Clues song.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

10 January 2013

1.  33 years ago, my brother Brian was born.
2.  We went outside a lot today.  It was fun to see the boys playing on their bikes and play with sidewalk chalk.
3.  I saw a snail for only the second time in my life, and I saw a mole for the first time running across our driveway. Crazy!
4.  I talked to my mom today and that was fun. I'm excited to see her and Emily and Maurine in one week.
5.  There are plans in the works for the boys and me to visit Brian and his family while Matt is on a business trip at the end of the month. Pretty exciting!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

9 January 2013

1.  I love to watch Bobby flip through books. He is so intrigued and entertained with each new page. He is starting to point things out to us when we read to him and it's fun to see things sink in and have meaning to him. I'm excited to see what kind of a kid he turns into.
2.  Scotty said the prayer at lunch today. He doesn't always want to pray, so it was nice for him to volunteer. He has such a sweet spirit.
3.  Matt came home early from work. I wasn't feeling well and I got to take rest in bed for a couple of hours and I felt a lot better.
4.  The babies are clean! Bath night is awesome. They love playing in the water together and they smell so nice afterward.
5.  I enjoyed my vegging time this evening. Matt and I watched a couple of shows together and I watched one by myself. I feel rested and now it's time to get some real sleep so maybe I can get healthy again and get back to normal.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

8 January 2013

1.  I woke up feeling a lot better than I did yesterday.
2.  I got the trash out and brought it back after the truck went by.  And I remembered to mail our Netflix movie and got the mail when it came.
3.  I did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen and dining room.
4.  Scott and I played for almost the whole time that Bobby was napping.  Usually after only a few games or activities with Scott, I need a break so I don't get super angry at him.  But I kept my cool and we played CandyLand and Uno and puzzles and magnetic Joey man (like a paper doll), etc. for 2 hours.  I felt like SuperMom.  I also made cookies with Scott and Bobby after they woke up.
5.  Scott broke our glass table today and I did not lose my temper.  I did not yell at him at all, I just told him to stay upstairs while I figured out what to do.  I called Matt and he said he could come home and help.  I called Jean and she watched the kids while I started picking up all of the shards with gloved hands (that was Matt's idea, so I'm glad I called him).  So grateful to have a smart husband and an awesome neighbor.

Monday, January 7, 2013

7 January 2013

1.  I watched the season 3 premiere of Downton Abbey today, without a whole lot of protest from Scott during Bobby's nap.
2.  I folded the laundry and put it away.
3.  I had a bunch of stuff on my to-do list today and I got all of it done!
4.  The boys played outside today for the first time in a while and it was fun to watch them run around.
5.  We bought ice cream so I had an ice cream cone tonight.  Yummy.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

6 January 2013

1. I slept till 9:30. It was glorious.
2. We only had one wake-up all night at midnight.
3. Mary brought a meal last night and I had it for lunch. I'm not sure what it was but it was yummy.
4. Matt, Scott and I played UNO together. It's fun when we all play together.
5. Scott is sitting with me for a movie. Sweet.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

5 January 2013

1.  Bobby responded to my plea to go back to sleep at 5am.  I was worried I was going to have to go in every 15 minutes for a while, but he cried for 12 and then went to sleep.  Maybe tonight everything will be back to normal.
2.  I got to take a nap.
3.  Scott said, "I love you." to me and asked if I would play with him several times.  The kid just melts my heart.
4.  Bobby is so cute when he tries to carry and push toys around that are big and heavy.  He makes me laugh.
5.  Matt and I were arguing and Scott said, "Yissen, yissen.  This is no time for games.  This is not what we should be doing."  I asked what we should be doing and he said, "Go sleep!"  He's right.  I hope he'll always be a peacemaker.

Friday, January 4, 2013

4 January 2013

1.  Matt stayed home from work today to take care of us.  Yay!
2.  I watched my TV shows today.  It was nice to have a break from George, Diego, and the Little Einsteins.
3.  Matt bought some Alka-Seltzer for me and I think it's working better for me than DayQuil.  I feel a little better than I have the past few days.
4.  I got a very long nap today and was completely asleep, which was so nice.  The rests I have taken the past few days, I have been kind of half asleep, but this time I really was out, so that was a relief.
5.  Both Scott and Bobby fell asleep tonight while I sang to them.  I love my babies.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

3 January 2013

1.  We got out of the house today!  Maybe I shouldn't have taken the kids out when they were sick, but there is a train display at the botanical gardens right now and it's the last week.  We met up with Michelle, Rylan, and Cameron and it was nice to chat with Michelle and I think it was fun for Scott to play with Rylan. We also got an ornament so we can hang it on the tree next year and it was 40% off.  Yahoo!
2.  Bobby and Scott both took a nap again today.  I decided not to sleep in the bed right next to Scott like I did yesterday and I didn't sleep a lot because I was coughing, but I did get a chance to rest.  It was very nice.  Scott ended up sleeping for 3 hours, so I really hope that means his body is healing and he will feel better soon.
3.  Our new thermometer came in the mail today! We were having trouble with our old one and Matt found a temporal one on amazon for $30, normally $100.  You take the temperature in about one second on their foreheads. It's fantastic!
4.  We had hot dogs for dinner with guacamole. Matt says it's called a completo in Chile and it is really yummy!
5.  I had some caramel hot cocoa tonight after the kids were in bed. Yum!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2 January 2013

1.  Both boys took a nap today so I did too!
2.  Scott and I played with the alphabet train that we bought a long time ago, but now he knows how to use the alphabet blocks correctly, so it was really fun.  It is so cool to watch Scott learn and make new connections all of the time.
3.  We FaceTimed with Emily.  Always good to see her face.
4.  I got new pj pants and Costco.
5.  I sang Jesus Wants Me For a Sunbeam to Bobby and got him giggling.  It was so cute.  Love that boy!

1 January 2013

1.  Matt was home all day :) and we all were, actually.
2.  We got all of the decorations down and put away.
3.  We had Moe's for dinner.
4.  I got a long nap.
5.  Matt and I played WoW together.