Wednesday, October 31, 2012

31 October 2012

1. We got the kids to sleep in till 7:30!
2. Scott is getting a lot better at using the mouse on the computer; it's fun to see him progress.
3. I did some "jigsaw" puzzles today on the iPad. I love puzzles.
4. I took some good pictures of the boys in their costumes. They are such cute kids!!
5. The kids stayed up late tonight and bedtime was fast and simple, but Scotty insisted that we read scriptures. He's so righteous...sometimes.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

30 October 2012

1.  Matt woke up with the kids at 5:30am and let me sleep until 7:40, when he had to get ready for work.
2.  Matt took the trash out!!! I love it when I don't have to worry about getting it out quickly after he leaves for work.  I've missed it a few times, and that is not a fun feeling.
3.  Bobby took a morning nap and that meant I had time to finish the laundry I started on Friday.
4.  We met up with Alainna, Candice, and kids at McDonald's for lunch.  Bobby ate 4 chicken nuggets.  I was in shock.  I think he must be going through a grow spurt.
5.  Scotty took a long nap after we got home and even though that made me worry about bedtime, it was really nice to have some "alone" time this afternoon.  I say "alone" because he was asleep right next to be on the couch.  He's so cute!

Monday, October 29, 2012

29 October 2012

1.  Scott and I played together this morning and had a good time.
2.  Bobby woke up in time for us to go to the store to get some things we needed for dinner and come back before Alainna came over.
3.  Alainna came over with Jonathan and Isaac.  She met Bobby for the first time and he was so sweet with her.  He sat with her while we watched a show and she was so surprised and how calm he was with her.  It was so fun to see such a good friend and my baby together.
4.  We had homemade chicken and beef enchiladas tonight.  They were super yummy.
5.  Matt and I survived another workout.  Only 5 more days!!!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

28 October 2012

1. I slept till 7:48am and still made it to church on time.
2. One hour church! Scott has a runny nose and a cough and couldn't go to nursery so we all went home. It was so nice to have Bobby take a nap when he was ready.
3. I took a nap.
4. I watched Great Migrations. It always helps me reminisce to watch nature shows on Sunday.
5. Bobby got some Now and Laters in his Halloween candy and they were so soft and yummy! Bobby liked them, too.

27 October 2012

1. Scotty and I went to see Alainna and her boys.
2. Matt got a new leaf blower/vacuum and weed whacker, so our yard looks great.
3. Bobby looked super cute at Bob the Builder.
4. Scotty looked super cute as The Man with the Yellow Hat.
5. We got Wendy's for dinner.

Friday, October 26, 2012

26 October 2012

1. We kept the basement and playroom clean.
2. Scott and Bobby played on the tricycle and Bobby pushed Scott all over the basement; it was super cute.
3. Cleaned some leftovers out of the fridge for lunch and dinner, which always lifts some kind of weird burden.
4. I got to rock Bobby to sleep tonight. I sure love that baby when he's not flailing his body around when he is upset.
5. Scott's costume is done!!

25 October 2012

1. I was in bed from 8:30pm-9am. It was glorious. (Matt stayed home from work.)
2. I cleaned the basement and the playroom. They look spectacular and I feel so much better.
3. Scott and I went to Costco and it was really fun. It was sweet, too: whenever we tried a sample he would ask, "Can Bobby try?" But Bobby was at home napping. It was so nice to see him thinking of his brother.
4. I got to make dinner and do dishes without battling the kids because Matt was home. It's usually the most stressful part of my day and it was so nice to have some relief.
5. I did the workout by myself because Matt wasn't feeling well. I am so proud for doing it and not copping out.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

24 October 2012

1. Bobby was really good about entertaining himself before his nap. He just went from toy to toy in the playroom.
2. Scotty has been spontaneously telling us, "I love you" a lot lately and it makes me feel so good.
3. I had a hard afternoon so Matt brought home a rotisserie chicken for dinner. So yummy!
4. I love bath night! My babies are clean and fresh again!
5. Matt and I are skipping our workout tonight and going to bed. Matt had several coworkers tell him to go home because he is sick, and I'm going to be supportive of his early bedtime by joining him. ;)

23 October 2012

1. We stayed home all day, which is really nice sometimes.
2. I read some books to Bobby. It's really cute how he will bring me a book, turn around and back up onto my lap. I love it.
3. Scott and I dug up some more monkey grass at Jean's. We had a good time and Scott was a big help picking up big pieces and putting them in the "trash" and looking for "gummy worms."
4. I made pumpkin rice crispy treats around lunchtime and it was nice to have a treat after our workout.
5. I finished the hat for Scott's costume and dyed the shirt and pants. Now I just need to make a tie and decide what I want to do about the belt. I'm getting really excited, and I think Scotty is, too!

Monday, October 22, 2012

22 October 2012

1. Bobby took a nap from 11:30am-3pm. Poor baby has a runny nose, so I think he really needed it. He woke up happy and very hungry.
2. Scott and I went to Jean's house and dug up some dead monkey grass for her. I though it was really fun. We are gonna go back tomorrow.
3. I started my sticker chart up again today and got all of my stickers for the day: dishes, clean 40min, play 40min, dinner, and work out.
4. Matt watched the boys while I went to the library for a few minutes. I got a book for a Gilmore-girls-inspired book club.
5. Even though we really didn't want to, and we really wanted to quit several times, we made it to the end of our work out today: max interval circuit. Ugh.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

21 October 2012

1.  Bobby sat with Mary for almost all of sacrament meeting and was really quiet.
2.  Scott read a book about Jesus during the first part of the sacrament and stayed quiet for that part.
3.  Scott successfully told his nursery teacher that he had to go potty and went to the bathroom at church without any issues.  I'm pretty sure that means he's officially potty-trained.
4.  Bedtime was exceedingly easy tonight.  Scott was super tired and basically put himself to bed at 7.  Bobby wandered around while we read scriptures and then I sang him a few songs and I put him in his crib.  I was out of their room by 7:30pm.  Pretty darn amazing.
5.  Matt and I have been working together to make a yellow hat and brown boot covers for Scott's Halloween costume and it has been really fun for me.  We're hoping to finish the hat tomorrow.  Then I just have to dye a shirt and pants yellow... we'll see how that works out.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

20 October 2011

1. I had cinnamon toast and Naked juice smoothie for breakfast because we were out of milk.
2. I didn't have to pay for parking at Time Out for Women.
3. Becky called during lunch and we had a good chat.
4. Alainna called during lunch and we had a good chat and I found out she is coming to visit!!
5. We had chicken nachos for dinner and they were really yummy.

19 October 2012

1. Got to sleep in as always, but still so grateful to Matt for taking the kids until he has to leave for work.
2. Played outside with the boys.
3. Got all the laundry washed and dried and three-quarters put away.
4. Didn't have to make dinner.
5. Time Out for Women! Matt came home early. I got there early and happened to have two empty seats by me for Dawn and Teressa.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

18 October 2012

1. I slept very well. Matt took Bobby when he woke up at 4:30 and got him back to sleep.
2. Bobby took a good nap so Scott and I read books together.
3. We had lunch at Costco.
4. We went to the park. I love watching Bobby wander around and discover new things. Scott also looked really cute trying out a scooter.
5. I made enchiladas tonight and they were spectacular. And I even made Spanish rice and refried beans. Yum.

I have to add a tender mercy: Scott puked at Costco, but I was able to catch almost all of it in a sample cup I had in my hand. It was really gross, but also amazing.

17 October 2012

1. We went to the park and the weather was great.
2. I went visiting teaching and it was good to chat with adults.
3. We went to Ty's house and Scott had a great time.
4. Bobby took a good nap so the afternoon was pretty low-key.
5. I leveled up my herbalism really quickly in WoW. Having a flying mount is awesome.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

16 October 2012

1. Scott was dry again and told me when it was time to go to the bathroom. We are working toward having a fully potty-trained boy in a matter if days.
2. Bobby took a good nap. (Today was almost a clone of yesterday.)
3. I had a good chat with Jean this afternoon and she finished listening to Elder Holland's talk and she said she really liked his voice and it makes you feel good. Maybe she felt the Spirit? I hope so.
4. I had to wear a sweatshirt outside today!! I love this weather!!
5. We had pancakes for dinner. Matt made Mickey pancakes and the kids loved it. Scotty actually ate his entire dinner in less than 30 minutes. Amazing.

Monday, October 15, 2012

15 October 2012

1. Scott was dry all night. He woke up at midnight and had a potty break and then held it till almost 8am. Then he stayed dry all day and asked to go potty more than he was told. Amazing!
2. Bobby had some quiet time in bed from 9:30-11am. He never fell asleep, but he quietly looked at a book and talked to himself. It was fun to listen to.
3. I got some cleaning done--dishes, dining room floor, kitchen counters.
4. The boys sat at the table and painted and colored while I made lasagna. I made too much, so I shared with Jean. When she came to pick it up she said she had been watching the talk I e-mailed her and liked it. It was Elder Holland's talk from Conference.
5. Matt came home at 5:30pm. He played with the boys outside after dinner. Then before bed, he let Scotty jump off his back. It was fun to watch. Bobby wanted to copy Scott, so I helped.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

14 October 2012

1. I had a great moment at church when I was able to bear my testimony of the Savior during a comment in Relief Society.
2. Mary is so good with Bobby--she makes going to church so much easier. I really feel her love for him, too. She's not just doing it because she's my visiting teacher.
3. I fasted for the first time in a while and I made it 18 hours! Next month I'll shoot for 20.
4. I wore a new bra today and I love it.
5. Matt let me take a little nap from 6-7pm and I really needed it.

13 October 2012

1. The kids slept until 7.
2. I got to run some errands by myself.
3. I had Moe's for dinner.
4. We didn't work out. (Matt's not feeling well and it was Fast Saturday, so I think it was a good call.)
5. I went to bed around 10. Yay for sleep!

Friday, October 12, 2012

12 October 2012

1. I got my addresses in for my jewelry show, so my invitations will go out this weekend. I'm excited. How excited I am reminds me of myself before depression, which is really refreshing.
2. Scott was dry again! I didn't set timers today at all. I just took him up when I felt like it had been a while, so I know he is really understanding how to hold it.
3. We had grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup for dinner and it was really good.
4. Bobby has been really crabby lately, but today he took a four hour nap and was pretty pleasant and as always, so cute.
5. The workout tonight was so hard that I almost started crying a couple of times, but I finished it! Go me!!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

11 October 2012

1. Scott was dry again all day!!
2. I had counseling today and it went really well. I guess all I needed was for someone to congratulate me for not hurting Bobby even through all the crying he's been doing lately.
3. Bobby took a long nap and Scott was pretty tired, so I got to just snuggle with Scott and watch TV for a while. He even said, "I yuv yo." :)
4. I had a meatloaf sandwich for dinner and it was fantastic.
5. Matt took care of feeding the kids so I got the dishes done!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

10 October 2012

1.  We went to Fernbank today with Michelle, Rylan, and Cameron.  It was really fun.
2.  Scott did well using the toilet while we were at the museum and didn't have an accident.
3.  I got dinner done before 5:30 again!! We had homemade chicken nuggets and a veggie platter and it was so good.
4.  Matt came home in time to play with the boys outside for a few minutes and to help with bath time.
5.  I brushed Scott's teeth tonight without gagging him and with no resistance.  So nice!!

9 October 2012

1.  Bobby is feeling better.  He cried in the morning, but I took him outside and he was fine, and that allowed me to breathe.
2.  Scott was dry all day!!! I am so proud of him.
3.  We spent a lot of time outside in the backyard and the kids had a great time, the weather was wonderful, and no one got hurt.  Amazing.
4.  I got dinner on the table before 5:30pm!
5.  Scott ate a lot more than usual for dinner.

Monday, October 8, 2012

8 October 2012

1.  Matt let me sleep in again this morning.
2.  Matt had the day off!
3.  We spent some time outside as a whole family today.  The weather was beautiful, just a little bit chilly, the way I like it.  Matt came up to me and told me I was beautiful out of the blue.  It was so nice, seriously made my day.
4.  Bobby was well enough to eat dinner with us.
5.  Scott fell asleep in my arms tonight while I sang him a lullaby.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

7 October 2012

1.  I had fun playing with the boys this morning while Matt slept in.
2.  Bobby wasn't feeling well today, which meant that he snuggled with me for a long time while I watched Conference.  I miss the days when he was a baby and I got to hold him like that, so it was really nice.  I don't think he's actually ill--he got his MMR vaccination about a week ago and the doctor warned me that he might get a fever.
3.  I got to take a nap between sessions.
4.  All of my siblings logged on to chat about the last 2 weeks and about their impressions of Conference.  It was really fun.  It felt a little bit like the old days when we had FHE the day after General Conference was over.  I really grew up in a great family.
5.  I'm going to have some ice cream. :)

Saturday, October 6, 2012

6 October 2012

1. I went grocery shopping by myself!
2. General Conference!!
3. Jean had a jewelry party today and it was really fun. I think I'm going to get a necklace and I signed up to do a party. I spent some time tonight looking at the catalog and filling out forms, which I love to do.
4. We had chicken tacos for dinner and they were so good!
5. I had to put the boys to bed by myself because Matt had the Priesthood session, but it went well and I only went back in once. I didn't have to interrupt my workout at all. Plus, they were squeaky clean which always brings out my love for them.

Friday, October 5, 2012

5 October 2012

1.  The laundry is done and put away, even Matt's work clothes are in his closet and not on the rack by the washer and dryer.
2.  We had pizza for dinner from Mellow Mushroom and I had a credit for a gluten-free pizza because my last red skin potato pie pizza had uncooked potatoes on it, so it was only $15 for mine and Matt's including tip!
3.  Scotty put himself to bed tonight.  Poor kid.  Maybe I should let him take naps again.
4.  Bobby was all smiles before bed.  I think he liked the undivided attention.  He didn't fuss when we left.
5.  It's date night, so we're getting ice cream at DQ!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

4 October 2012

1.  I got some new work shirts for Matt and I'm excited to see him wear them.
2.  The park we went to today was really, really cool.  It had a slide that went down probably 2 stories and I had a lot of fun going down a few times.  I even went down with both boys.  There was also a bunch of swings and a merry go round and a couple of little zip-line type things.  I want to take Matt there so he can see the boys on all of the different equipment.  So fun.
3.  I met a girl today from the playgroup named Natalie and she was really fun to talk to.  I hope we'll hang out again.
4.  A few of us went to Costco for lunch, so I was able to get some frozen lunches for Matt, too.
5.  Since we had such a busy morning, Bobby slept from 2:30-5:30 and Scotty and I got to spend some time together outside, and then just hung out on the couch to recuperate.  Pretty good day if you ask me!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

3 October 2012

1.  We survived the doctor's office today.  The boys are beautiful and healthy.
2.  The boys and I had lunch at Fernbank and it was a really good chef salad.  It's been a long time since I had one with the hard-boiled egg.  It was yummy.
3.  Scott and Bobby loved playing at the Treehouse in the Fernbank and no one cried when we left.
4.  Bobby slept when we got home until Matt got home from work.
5.  I got to see my boys freshly bathed and ready for bed.  I love that.  I think they're cutest when they're newly clean.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

2 October 2012

1.  The boys wanted to go outside this morning so we did and they had fun.
2.  I asked Jean if she'll come watch a session of conference on Sunday and she said she would.
3.  Bobby took a 4-hour nap.
4.  We went to the dinosaur museum for an hour, which was a really good time-killer.
5.  Scott wanted to read books tonight at bedtime.  It's been a while since he's asked to read books, so that was really fun.

Monday, October 1, 2012

1 October 2012

1.  I got to take my parents to the train station and bid them a fond farewell.  Matt was going to have to take them before he left for work, but he took the day off to hopefully get over his cough.
2.  Scotty had a dentist appointment and he did so well!
3.  Someone found my prescription in a shopping cart at Kroger and I was able to get it back.  So grateful!
4.  Matt and I shared a rice bowl from Moe's and I felt very full afterward.  Who knew half of one could be so filling!?
5.  My kitchen is clean again and it didn't even take that long to get all of the dishes done.  Go me.