Friday, November 30, 2012

30 November 2012

1. Bobby slept in till 10:30am. And he was such a happy boy for most of the day. (He got tired around 4:30pm.)
2. I got the laundry done and put away by 3:30pm.
3. As far as I know, I never lost my temper, which is HUGE for me.
4. Scott plays and sings along with all of his TV shows now which is so fun! He also is the cutest thing when he comes to me and says, "I want to sit with you" or "I want to give you a hug." I love him!!
5. We had crackers, cheese, and summer sausage for dinner and no one complained. I love low maintenance dinners.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

29 November 2012

1.  Scott and Bobby did not wake up at all.  I slept from 11pm-8am without waking up at all.  I think it's been about 2 years since that happened.  Amazing.
2.  We picked up Matt's Cyber Monday purchases from Best Buy today: Star Wars original trilogy and the 15-disc set of Lord of the Rings.  Yahoo!
3.  We got our Christmas tree and put it up!  It's beautiful!
4.  The boys ate their dinner really well.  I love nights that I don't have to fight them to eat.
5.  I fell asleep by the Christmas tree after the boys went to bed.  Now it's time to go to my bed.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

28 November 2012

1. We had a yummy breakfast with Tom this morning.
2. We saw Laura, Kate, and Kendall in their new house.
3. We got to the airport in the perfect amount if time to eat and get on the plane.
4. Mary got us from the airport with very short notice and Bobby was SO happy to see her!
5. WE'RE HOME!!!

27 November 2012

1. Scott had to pee and we were 15 minutes from the nearest exit and he held it!! Amazing!
2. We had lunch at Zupas. It's probably the restaurant we miss the most since leaving Utah. It's fresh and delicious food.
3. We bought a pound of See's chocolate. It is so yummy!! Scott and Bobby got chocolate coins as samples and now they're hooked.
4. I finally got my prescription filled after days of waiting and calling and worrying. It all finally got taken care of. Hooray!
5. We had an awesome visit with Uncle Tom and Aunt Cheri. We played Shanghai just like old times. It was SO fun. I'm so glad I could introduce them to my babies. I so miss living close to them. They are such a great influence for good.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

26 November 2012

1.  Bobby slept till 9am, so that means I did too!
2.  I had pumpkin pie as a snack today.  Got to love Thanksgiving!
3.  We took the boys to Taco Time for lunch and it was so yummy.  I really miss Taco Time because their food tastes so fresh.  The manager was really nice, too, and made some chicken for Scotty even though it's not technically on the menu.
4.  Matt and I went to see Rise of the Guardians with Nicole and Stuart. I was really nervous about leaving Bobby again because last time he stayed up till 3am. But he slept the whole time and never knew we were gone!  YESSS!
5.  I finally watched my Netflix movie (Joyful Noise) that we've had for a week and I liked it.

25 November 2012

1.  We only had one wake-up all night long!  It felt so great to get a good night's sleep!
2.  The boys made it all the way through church without too much of a fuss.
3.  Scott and Bobby went to nursery and made thankful turkeys with their hands.  Scott said he was thankful for Mario, coloring books, toys and Bobby.  When I asked Scott what Bobby was thankful for, he said, "ME!"  It was cute.
4.  I got to wear a new top to church and I really liked it.
5.  I made some apple crisp and it turned out great and everyone loved it.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

24 November 2012

1.  Bobby fell asleep in my arms three times today.
2.  We took some pictures of the family today and I think we got a couple of good shots.
3.  Nancy and I made some pumpkin oatmeal chocolate chip cookies with a gf mix she had and they're yummy.
4.  We had pizza for dinner and it was really good.  I actually called one place and they were out of gluten-free pizza and there was another restaurant.  That's some good luck!
5.  Scotty almost fell asleep while I was singing to him.  I love that moment when he starts to zone out and he really wants to go to bed.  There's no fight at all with him by the end of the day.  He knows he's tired.

Friday, November 23, 2012

23 November 2012

1. I love watching Bobby make faces. He has big eyes and big lips and is very expressive. I love it!
2. Scott ate a lot of turkey today; he just kept asking for more! He normally eats very little, so that was awesome.
3. I got to go to a store today without my kids! And I got some new shirts from DownEast at 30% off. Yay!
4. I had the opportunity to do the dishes for my mother-in-law while she was out and I did it!
5. We had dinner with Nicole and Stuart and it was really fun and the food was delicious!! I really hope we live near each other someday.

22 November 2012

1.  We had a wonderful meal with all of the classics for Thanksgiving.
2.  Nicole made a crustless coconut creme pie for me.  I had never had it, so that was very exciting and yummy.
3.  Nancy made a crustless pumpkin pie which is delicious.
4.  We played Racko, Greedy/5000/Farkle, Hoopla, and Pictureka.
5.  We got to spend lots of time with almost all of Matt's family.  I feel very lucky to be part of it.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

21 November 2012

1.  We got on our airplane!
2.  The boys didn't have any serious meltdowns.
3.  I got Bobby to sleep in my arms on the plane.  He's so sweet.
4.  We made it all the way to Idaho!
5.  The bed we slept in was super comfortable with a really heavy blanket that felt so nice.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

20 November 2012

1.  Matt lost track of time this morning so I got to sleep in until 8:21am!  Yahoo!
2.  I got lots and lots of hugs from my boys today.
3.  My living room is clean, and the floors in my dining room and kitchen are swept.  Scotty is learning how to help me clean up all of the toys and shoes in the living room.  He was a great helper today.
4.  We went to Jean's to get Scotty's hair cut and it looks great!
5.  My sister called to tell me she's going to Disneyland with her family and I could not be happier for them!!!

Monday, November 19, 2012

19 November 2012

1. The human body is incredible. We have all mostly recovered from our day of puking with about 8 hours of sleep. Pretty amazing.
2. The boys played really well outside today. Bobby even pushed a huge ball to the top of our hill. It was impressive.
3. We had chicken and yellow rice for dinner. It was so yummy. It was also funny to watch Bobby try so hard to feed himself. Rice is tricky! He finally got hungry enough to accept our help.
4. Scotty started singing the Mighty Machines song today. So cute! Especially with his dance to go with it. I love that boy!
5. Matt and I watched TV together tonight. It was just what I needed on my recovery day.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

18 November 2012

1. We are all still alive!
2. No one puked on the floor or beds. It all made it in a bowl or a toilet.
3. We got sick today instead of Wednesday, when we will be on an airplane.
4. The kids went to bed really easily at 7:30pm.
5. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

17 November 2012

1.  I went to see Breaking Dawn part 2 by myself today during "Bobby's nap."  (He ended up not sleeping, pooping three times, and throwing up once all in the 2 hours I was gone.  Poor Matt!)
2.  My mom and I chatted for a little while tonight on the phone.  It's always fun to catch up.
3.  We had pizza for dinner from Mellow Mushroom.  Yum.
4.  Scotty can sing the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song.  It's so cute! "Come inside, it's fun inside..."
5.  Bobby gives great hugs.

16 November 2012

1. The boys slept in till 8. They only woke up once, so that's great!
2. Scotty attended his first birthday party as a cognizant gift-giver and non-receiver and only broke down once at the very end, so I was really proud of him. I'm sure it will get easier.
3. Bobby took a good nap, so Scott and I got some much-needed time to vedge (is there a correct spelling of that?).
4. We ate dinner at home. I've been super lazy about dinner and grocery shopping lately so I was glad we were able to make a meal at home.
5. I was feeling hopeless and annoyed about the laundry and said, "It never ends!" but I only do laundry on Fridays, so then I said, "Yes it does. Every week, for a week." I was proud of myself for correcting my attitude to quickly.

Friday, November 16, 2012

15 November 2012

1. I went outside with the boys and just enjoyed how cute they are running around together. I also started raking the backyard because I was chilly and finished!
2. I threw Scott's shoes down the stairs and one stuck to the stairs. It was funny.
3. Our new TV stand/cabinet came today and its beautiful and sturdy. Yay!
4. Bobby has been making an angry face a lot lately, but today he has a new look: surprised. I love it!
5. We all went to Wendy's and sat in the restaurant, per Scott's request, and it was really fun. And no clean up!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

14 November 2012

1. Bobby loves it when I sing Itsy Bitsy Spider to him.
2. Scott can sing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, but so far cannot carry a tune. It's really cute to hear him try. I almost started crying tonight listening to him because it was so sweet.
3. Bobby made a little friend while we were in line at the post office. It was fun to watch him interact. They just sat on the floor together and touched each other's hair, feet, etc. It was cute.
4. I watched a really interesting documentary about cross-species animal friendships. It was sweet and fascinating.
5. My bed is warm.

13 November 2012

1. I made mac and cheese for lunch :)
2. We went to the park and I knew two other moms. So that was really fun!
3. The kids were SO good while I made dinner. I didn't get frustrated once and the enchiladas were scrumptious. Even the boys ate them!
4. The boys are clean! They got so dirty today digging in dirt at Jean's and playing in a puddle at the park, so it was nice to have them clean and smelling nice again. :)
5. Matt brought home some puzzles home from work and I did them all. Probably shouldn't have stayed up so late, but I just love puzzles!!

Monday, November 12, 2012

12 November 2012

1. I slept in till 8:45am. Matt had the day off! :)
2. We had a playdate with MaryEllen and Cooper. We had fun and it gave Matt a chance to get the yard work done without worrying about the boys getting too close to the mower or getting too scared of the leafblower.
3. We spent the rest of the day together shopping for a new TV stand. (Ours is made of veneered particle board from Wal-Mart and it is now bowing beneath the weight of the TV, speakers and such on it. So it was time to get one made of real wood.) The boys did really well! And we didn't meet anyone while we shopped who wasn't understanding of them and their exuberant nature which was so refreshing.
4. We found something we like that I think we will keep forever and never replace. It is being delivered on Thursday. :)
5. I love my boys. They are so loving. I love that I get hugs from them all day. I know they don't do it for any other reason than that they love me. And even though being a mom can be a really tough job sometimes, hugs and kisses from my boys is the best paycheck ever.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

11 November 2012

1. I got to wear a new top and new jewelry to church. I felt pretty :)
2. I got a chance to take a little nap tonight. It felt so good.
3. We had hot dogs for dinner, so no complaints from Scott or Bobby!
4. Matt got our new speaker system set up last night so we have been listening to Pandora radio all day. So nice :)
5. All my boys were wearing Batman pajamas tonight and I got a picture! So cute. (Matt doesn't like to be in pictures...)

Saturday, November 10, 2012

10 November 2012

1. Betty and I met up at Chick-fil-A so she could give me the jewelry from my party!! I'm excited to wear it.
2. Scott had such a great time playing with the other kids on the playscape. He has become so social; he loves to introduce himself and ask questions of complete strangers. It's fun to watch.
3. Matt came home!!! It is so nice to have him back!
4. I got three new tops at Kohl's today. I'm not sure which one I will wear to church tomorrow, but it's so nice to have options!
5. We had chocolate cupcakes for dessert. Mmmm.

Friday, November 9, 2012

9 November 2012

1.  Bobby didn't wake up at all last night and slept till 6:30am.  That's really great compared to the past few days...
2.  All of my laundry is clean again!
3.  Scotty is getting really interested in the alphabet lately.  He watched a bunch of SuperWhy videos of the alphabet and he was trying to sing along and dance.  It was really cute.
4.  Scott and Bobby are getting better and better at playing together.  Bobby will push Scott on the tricycle and that keeps them from feeling like they have to take turns, so there's no bickering.  Scott can't really pedal yet, so he actually needs the push from Bobby.  And, Bobby is learning to push trains along the track instead of just tearing up the track all the time.  It's so nice.
5.  Jean came over to keep me company this afternoon.  It was nice to have a visitor with Matt being out of town.  It broke up the day a little.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

8 November 2012

1. Bobby played along with Little Einsteins this morning. "Pat pat pat pat... Now raise your arms as high as you can and say Blast off!" So cute.
2. The fall colors are so vibrant. I'm loving the red, orange, and yellow trees lining the streets as I drive around town. It's so beautiful and it reminds me of my childhood in New England.
3. Bobby went down really easily for his nap. I love it when that happens.
4. Scotty is really into Blue's Clues all of a sudden, so it has been fun to see my friend, Steve again :)
5. When we were stuck in traffic, Scott decided we needed to buy a rocket ship, the conversation ending with his latest tag phrase, "maybe for Christmas!"

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

7 November 2012

1.  I had Reese's Puffs for breakfast.
2.  Bobby is starting to understand when he's doing something wrong.  I caught him with a nickel in his mouth and when he saw me, he ran away.  He's fast, but it was so cute!!  It's so funny to see such a little body run so fast.
3.  Matt came home from work at 4pm.
4.  Wendy's for dinner!  a.k.a. no cooking and no dishes!
5.  We have been reading Click Clack Moo: Cows That Type at bedtime for the last several nights and Scott has the first page memorized now.  It's so cute.  "Farmer Brown has a problem.  His cows like to type..."  And he also says, "Sincerely, The Cows" or "sincewy, da cows."

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

6 November 2012

1. The boys slept until 7:30am. I hope it's a trend!
2. We got to our polling station at 8 and we didn't have to wait at all. It was fun.
3. Scotty and I had fun doing the puzzle again and learning colors, numbers, and shapes. We also played trains and watched TV. He is so appreciative. I can't even count how many times he said, "I love you" to me today. He says, "I yuv yo." So cute.
4. I talked to Emily today for a while. I'm so grateful that we are friends and sisters. Pretty great.
5. Matt got home before me! I love that. Usually I'm hoping he comes home soon, and this time he was waiting for me.
*. Matt helped make blueberry pancakes, eggs, and bacon for dinner!

Monday, November 5, 2012

5 November 2012

1. I had an opportunity to serve my husband and let him sleep in and I took it without any bad feelings. I was happy to do it. That's rare. Maybe I am growing up?
2. Scotty and I did a puzzle together today (3 times). I love puzzles. I hope he will still like them when he is older so we can still do puzzles together.
3. I went through pictures of my kids today and I am so grateful for them--my kids and the pictures.
4. We went to the park today for about 90 minutes and Matt got home about 15 minutes after us. Usually it's the hardest part of the day, so it was nice to have a break from the norm.
5. The kids were exhausted and went to bed really easily. I love nights like that. They are so cute when they start to space out. :)

Sunday, November 4, 2012

4 November 2012

1. We made it to church before the opening song.
2. I bore my testimony.
3. My jewelry party is now closed and I'll be getting three necklaces and three bracelets. I'm excited.
4. Matt did the dishes.
5. I'm so grateful for my neighbor, Jean. She is such a great friend and the fact that she lives next door is an amazing blessing.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

3 November 2012

1. My granola bars turned out great and everyone loved them!
2. Eleven people came to my jewelry party!!
3. Laura came to town for the work party and it was SO GOOD to see her. She makes me feel so good because she likes me because I'm blunt and straightforward, not in spite of it.
4. Alyson needed a babysitter and I got to help and watch her 5yo daughter. We read some books together, and it was so fun to see her figuring out words! I can't wait to teach Scott to read.
5. Matt got a peanut butter sundae from DQ just minutes before they closed. So yummy!

Friday, November 2, 2012

2 November 2012

1. I took a shower this morning before Matt left for work. I've been showering at night and it was so refreshing.
2. My kitchen and dining room are clean.
3. The boys "helped" me make granola bars today. They just stood on a chair and snitched chocolate chips. It was pretty cute.
4. It's laundry day and I let myself watch a lot of TV--so I didn't watch very much kid TV today. So nice to have a break from Mickey and Chuggington, etc.
5. We went to Costco tonight for a chocolate-dipped ice cream bar with roasted almonds. So yummy.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

1 November 2012

1. Scott and Bobby sort of slept in till 7:45am. Bobby did wake up at 4 and Scott was in our bed from 5:30 or so on, but it was still nice.
2. We had a great time at the park. It was pretty chilly, so it wasn't crowded, which is nice.
3. Scotty and I had fun playing Thomas games on the computer.
4. We went to IHOP for dinner.
5. I got the front room and bathroom clean, so I'm ready for a few guests to come to my jewelry party on Saturday. Yay!
*. Scott loved reading Click, Clack Moo. And I loved reading it to him.