Sunday, March 31, 2013

31 March 2013

1. It's Easter! A day set aside to remember the resurrection of our Savior. I am so grateful for Him; that He loved me enough to come to Earth to pay for my sins so that if I repent I can live with my Heavenly Father again.
2. The choir did really well today. I was really nervous to be directing for the second time ever, but I had Matt give me a blessing and it all worked out.
3. I loved how Scott says, "wezawected." He's so cute.
4. Bobby stayed in nursery the whole time! He was so tired when we got home, but he fell asleep in my arms, which is always really nice.
5. I chatted on the phone tonight with Neal, and then Glenn. It was great to hear their voices. I love them.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

13 March 2013

1. When I told Scott that Nana was leaving, he cried. It was nice to see him get so attached to her.
2. Laura wrote to me and asked how I was doing.
3. I chatted with Maurine online.
4. Dad chatted with me while I was waiting for Bobby to calm down before bed.
5. Bobby fell asleep in my arms. There are few things more precious than holding your sleeping child. He'll be two years old soon, so I'm sure it won't happen many more times.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

12 March 2013

1.  We had a fun time at Fernbank today.
2.  The weather was nice and we had lunch outside.
3.  The boys were so good and patient as Nancy and I drove around and looked at some more houses in Atlanta.
4.  I made salmon for dinner and Nancy made roasted veggies and it was super yummy. Then we tried rice flour crepes and they were good and Nancy said they taste the same as the kind with wheat flour.
5.  19 kids and counting is back! :)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

10 March 2013

1.  Matt let me go back to bed this morning.
2.  I went to church all by myself.
3.  Choir was really good.
4.  Nana made a delicious dinner.
5.  The kids went to bed on time even though it's really an hour early because of daylight savings time.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

6 March 2013

1. Yesterday I wasn't very nice to Scott. I told him last night I would try to be better and that I was sorry. I think I kept my promise.
2. No one woke up in the night.
3. Bobby didn't cry before his nap.
4. We found SweeTart jellybeans at Walgreens.
5. We went to the library for building blocks. MaryEllen was there. Scott sat with Mrs. Turner for some of the songs.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

5 March 2013

1. Bobby didn't want to watch anything right away when he woke up. He walked into the playroom for a little while, so I wrapped up in my snuggie for a few extra minutes of sleep. It was cozy.
2. Scott said, "Good morning!" To me before he asked for chocolate milk.
3. I took a shower.
4. Bobby fell asleep in my arms for his nap. Not sure how many more times that will happen, so I tried to treasure it.
5. I took a nap.

Monday, March 4, 2013

4 March 2013

1. Matt's surgery is over. It actually happened a lot quicker than usual, which was nice.
2. I talked to my dad for a few minutes today.
3. I ate the leftover roasted veggies from last night with lunch. So yummy!
4. We had family home evening about Joseph Smith and Scott retained some of it. He remembered that he prayed in the woods and that he saw Jesus. And he remembered he had no medicine for his leg surgery.
5. We read Green Eggs and Ham before bed and Scott filled in a lot of the words while I read and paused. It was fun.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

2 March 2013

1. Nancy had so much fun at the farmers market. I knew she would love it.
2. Scott was being a little crazy when we were shopping, but I knelt down and talked to him and he was much better. It is so awesome when he listens.
3. We bought avocados at the farmers market so I had Matt make California rolls with the crab we had in the freezer. It was so yummy.
4. I ate some of my donut holes. :)
5. Nancy and I sat together and played our Facebook games and watched Jeopardy. It's so nice to have her here.

3 March 2013

1. I slept in till 9. I love Sundays.
2. We got to church early. That is rare for us, so it was cool.
3. I went to primary to help Brandi with Sunbeams so I got to sing. I love singing time!
4. We had hamburgers, roasted veggies (carrots, potatoes, brussel sprouts and onions), and fruit salad (strawberry, mango, blueberry) for dinner. SO yummy! I was especially impressed with how good the veggies were. Nancy is a miracle worker.
5. I started working on some calligraphy tonight for Kate. It is so fun to do it again. I think I'll frame the charity scripture and do the other ones she requested on board that she can frame herself. I'm excited to have a project!!

Friday, March 1, 2013

1 March 2013

1. Matt woke up with the kids. I normally wake up with them on Friday, but he wanted to play SmashUp together last night so he offered to get up with them. It was nice to have him want us to play together.
2. Scott asked me today for the first time to tie his blanket on like a cape. He was so cute pretending to be a superhero.
3. We got Matt early from work today so I wasn't rushed through dinner at all. We had spaghetti and the kids ate so well! Yay!
4. Nancy is here!!! She read to Scott and by the time they got to bed Bobby had warmed up enough to give her a hug. It's going to be so fun having her here!
5. We watched Kyra for Alyson and I had a fun chat with her when she came to pick her up. She's a good gal, and I hope we will become better friends as time goes on. The babysitting exchange seems to really work out for us.