Thursday, August 30, 2012

30 August 2012

1.  Matt and I stayed up till 1am playing World of Warcraft.  It was my first time playing and it was really fun!  I have had a hard time with Matt playing his video games so much sometimes, but I decided maybe it would be fun to play together and it was!  So, I'm sure we'll be doing it more.
2.  I was able to take a shower today while both kids were awake!  They did fine to my complete surprise.
3.  Scotty let me take a 20-minute nap while Bobby was sleeping.
4.  Scotty ate a great dinner: a cup of tomato soup and almost three quesadillas!  I was in shock.
5.  Bobby went to bed without fussing at all and both boys were in bed before 8!!! Glorious!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

29 August 2012

1.  Bobby has been taking his sweet time lately going down for a nap, but today he went down so well!  I didn't have to go back in his room at all after I put him down.  So nice!
2.  I talked to my mom today on the phone, which is always fun to catch up.
3.  I cleaned the boys' bedroom today and that made bedtime so much more pleasant!  I even dusted their closet shutters.
4.  Matt's work had a going away party for Scott and Maggie, so I didn't have to make dinner (or clean up after)!
5.  My gluten-free food came in the mail today so I'm excited to try some tomorrow or maybe even later tonight :)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

28 August 2012

1.  Jean went walking with us this morning, which is always more fun than walking alone (with the kids).
2.  I got all of my stickers on my sticker chart today, and Scott helped put them on.
3.  My house looks a lot better than it did two days ago because I have done a lot of picking up and vacuuming.
4.  Scott ate a great dinner.  He said, "Mmm, tasty!" several times which always makes me feel good.
5.  Matt came home after we had had dinner, but I got to make him dinner anyway, which makes me feel like a good wife.  Also, it was a grilled cheese sandwich and I didn't burn it.

Monday, August 27, 2012

27 August 2012

1. We had a successful trip to Trader Joe's.  Scott pushed the cart and I pushed Bobby in the stroller.
2. Scott was great at Target even when I told him we couldn't buy a toy.
3. Bobby climbed up a difficult ladder at the park completely unassisted.
4. Matt came home from work much earlier than expected.
5. I got the kitchen and front room cleaned, and I did the dishes.